"If you are prepared,
a Higher Force will lead you to PRÓ-VIDA."

"If you are prepared,
a Higher Force will lead you to

Dr. Celso Charuri


“PRÓ-VIDA was born with the intent of teaching, integrating man to the Cosmic Environment. Integrating man of all religions, of all races, of all creeds. There was born PRÓ-VIDA with the intent of leading each one to the happiness they can have…” – Dr. Celso Charuri

Mind development

The mind training program leads to the expansion of consciousness and better use of the mind to achieve what you want and reach increasingly greater states of physical and mind harmony.

Research and studies

The search for the reason of the laws of the universe inspires research, experiments and studies linked to the development of the mind.


The activities are based on joint and collaborative action, which aims to contribute to the environment and promote the good of all.

Social action

As an example that it is possible to build a better and fair world for all, donations are made to charitable institutions in various countries. Vocational schools are built and donated.


Projects are developed with the premise that human beings are an integral part of the environment in which they live and, therefore, are responsible for its preservation and maintenance.

PRÓ-VIDA in the world

PRÓ-VIDA is present in 34 countries.

Donation Ceremony in New York City, USA

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Live transmission - February 22

For over 45 years, we have been carrying out actions aimed at setting an example of the path to transforming the world into a better place. This commitment began in 1979, when Dr. Celso Charuri made the first donation of the CGD-PV (Central Geral do Dízimo – PRÓ-VIDA, General Center for the Tithe – PRÓ-VIDA). Since then, this gesture has been repeated thousands of times, through the Centers for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA, making donations to philanthropic institutions in various countries and creating opportunities for people to achieve a more dignified life.

This donation ceremony is going to take place in New York City, USA. Click “play” to watch the live transmission.

To learn more about the work of the Centers for the Tithe, click here.

Why train the mind?

“Allow us to help you and bring out your greatest potential.”

— Dr. Celso Charuri

Achieving a state of happiness is linked to mind development and the expansion of consciousness. After observing the human being and deeply studying the ideas of great minds who passed on the Earth, Dr. Celso Charuri concluded that change must occur within each person so that there can be transformation in the environment. He developed a method that for over 40 years has led interested parties along the path of a new reason, capable of leading to the discovery of a new meaning in life.

How to participate in PRÓ-VIDA

The mind training and development program is organized into nine sequential levels. The first is the Basic level. To join, you must participate in the Basic Week.

Dr. Celso Charuri

Get to know the conceiver of PRÓ-VIDA

“Where does a man live, if not within his ideals?"
Dr. Celso Charuri

Interview with the Founder

Mental training, cosmic integration, and divine spark are some of the topics of the interview given by Dr. Celso Charuri in 1981, in Brazil. On that occasion, he was asked what PRÓ-VIDA is, and the purpose of the work it performs. “With the expansion of consciousness, (…) man will find the Peace he longs for.”

How is your mind?

The “How’s Your Mind?” section brings a compilation of texts dictated and written by Dr. Celso Charuri at the beginning of PRÓ-VIDA.

November 13, 1981

This is a paper ice-cream cup. And this is a crystal ice-cream cup. You are the customer. What is my line of

October 4, 1980

DIALOGUE TO A PROVOCATION [Provocation] “It would be cowardly on my part to argue with you, since I know all your complexes.”

Articles and news

PRÓ-VIDA Integração Cósmica.