
Books by Dr. Celso Charuri.

How is your Mind?

In 2003 and 2008, Dr. Celso’s texts were compiled and published with the following titles: Como vai a sua Mente? In printed book format.

Now, five years after the latest edition, the e-book becomes available for download on the website.

Printed book:
Total print run: 12,000 copies.
Portuguese – print run: 10,000 copies in 4 editions
Spanish – print run: 2,000 copies in 2 editions.

Available in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian.

Download the e-book here:
Como vai a sua Mente – Portuguese
¿Cómo vá su Mente? – Spanish
Come va la tua Mente – Italian

A story to laugh or... an Example

Dr. Celso Charuri thought and dictated the words in this book during a get-together with friends in early 1980.
The book was first published in 1989.

In 2009 it was reprinted in a trilingual edition -Portuguese, Spanish and Italian – to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Central Geral do Dízimo.

Printed book:
Total print run: 13,000 copies in two editions.
A Portuguese 1st edition – print run: 5,000 copies.
A trilingual 2nd edition (Portuguese, Spanish and Italian) – print run: 8,000 copies.

Download the e-book here:
Uma história para rir ou… Um Exemplo – Portuguese
Una historia para reír o… Un Ejemplo – Spanish
Una storia da ridere o… Un Esempio – Italian