Home > PRÓ-VIDA (EN)
Present today in various countries, PRÓ-VIDA is a philosophical movement founded in Brazil in 1978 by doctor and philosopher Dr. Celso Charuri with one proposition: to build a much better world. For him, the path is to change the human being because only a better person can transform the environment in which they live and make it dignified and harmonic.
This change occurs through the expansion of consciousness, a process that is carried out through a mind training and development program composed of nine sequential levels, which brings together ancient knowledge and techniques capable of leading the human being to the development of its mind and psychic and spiritual properties.
The program has a complementary agenda that includes lectures on various topics, mind training and also research that aims, among other aspects, to study the manifestation of mind properties, as well as deepen the knowledge about the laws that govern life and the universe.
In addition, there are activities like the practice of martial arts, yoga and sports, cultural events with adults, young people, and children, among other actions that seek to create opportunities for social interaction and contribute to individual and social improvement.
PRÓ-VIDA does not distinguish between ethnicity, belief, religion, gender, politics or other conditions and ideologies. Integration among those who are different, and differences in a harmonious way, is valued.
Activities are based on the idea of cooperation, in which people come together for a common purpose and seek to offer their best to contribute to the environment. This practice also inspired the creation of the PRÓ-VIDA Cooperative, which brings together a series of benefits offered to its members, aiming for the good of all.
The feeling of responsibility arises naturally as a result of the process of expanding the consciousness and also manifests itself in relation to the environment and others. Is it possible to build a world that is good for all? Dr. Celso left an example: the gesture of donating.
Since 1979, social responsibility actions have been carried out. Over these years, more than 13 thousand donations have been made, in addition to 15 vocational schools built and donated. In this way, PRÓ-VIDA seeks to continue the work of its founder and set an example of the path towards building a more just world.
Thinking about the good of nature as well, the development of actions that seek to lead participants to reflect that their conduct is important in terms of maintaining all manifestations of life is encouraged.
An example of how it is possible to maintain a more balanced relationship with nature and better utilize its natural resources is the Ecocenter, located at the Club in Araçoiaba (São Paulo, Brazil). There, there are projects in the area of waste, vegetable gardening, agroforestry, aquaponics and animal management, the result of traditional and experimental processes in which participants have the opportunity to feel that they are an integral part of nature and therefore recognize themselves as responsible for it.
The PRÓ-VIDA movement is organized on four bases coordinated by the PRÓ-VIDA Association, located in the city of São Paulo (Brazil), and by the PRÓ-VIDA Foundation, located in Lucerne, Switzerland. Both entities have no economic purposes.
The four bases are part of departments voluntarily organized by the participants which complement the mind development program at PRÓ-VIDA. Among them are Laboratory, Mind Training, Professional Guidance, Sustainability, Cultural, Sports, Yoga, Kung Fu, Serenity (seniors), Kids and Teens, among others.
Activities are carried out at the centers, clubs, and meeting points in various countries and online.
The centers and meeting points are places for study, mind training, and participation in activities. Currently, there are more than 100 in various countries.
The Clubs are places that provide social interaction among participants and their families, as well as improvement through practice of the philosophical knowledge received in the mind training and development program. Currently, there are nine clubs in Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil.
The PRÓ-VIDA Cooperative presents and offers services and products that seek to connect people and offer benefits. In this way, it generates opportunities for actions that propose a new way of working and living.
As an expression of the feeling of responsibility towards others, the gesture of donating has been given as an example for over 40 years, with actions that serve charitable institutions in various countries. Vocational schools are also built and donated. Click here to learn more.
Rua Orobó, 100
São Paulo – SP – Brasil
+55 11 2683 9000
Habsburgerstrasse 12
6002 Luzern, CH
(Lucerne, Switzerland)
+41 41 220 21 61
© 1995-2023 – PRÓ-VIDA – All rights reserved. The content of this site may not be published or redistributed without prior authorization.
Rua Orobó, 100
São Paulo – SP – Brasil
+55 11 2683 9000
Habsburgerstrasse 12
6002 Luzern, CH
+41 41 220 21 61
© 1995-2023 – PRÓ-VIDA – All rights reserved. The content of this site may not be published or redistributed without prior authorization.