PRÓ-VIDA starts online activities for new participants worldwide

PRÓ-VIDA starts online activities for new participants worldwide


PRÓ-VIDA is going to offer its online Basic Week in English, Spanish, and Italian. The Basic Week is the entry to our mental training and development program. In this way, people from all over the world will be able to participate in the first level of the program, which was first offered digitally in July 2021 in Portuguese, to Brazil residents only.

Six Basic Weeks are scheduled for January and February, 2022, in different time zones. For each of them, the opening of registration will be announced in the calendar on our home page. For more information, click here.

Basic is the first of the nine levels of PRÓ-VIDA’s program, which offers a series of other activities, such as laboratory research, parapsychological exercises, lectures, studies, and cultural events, among others.

Introduction Week

PRÓ-VIDA participants living in different countries will also be able to participate in the Introduction Week, which is part of the third level of the program. Registration is open. It will take place from December 6 to 10, in Portuguese, in the São Paulo, Brazil time zone.

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