How to Participate in PRÓ-VIDA

How to Participate in

To enter the PRÓ-VIDA mind training and development program, the first step is to complete the Basic Week.

The level following Basic is Advanced 1 and, following that, Introduction.

These activities take place in three modalities: online, in-person and remote in-center. Check the calendar and see the available activities.

Below you will find all the information and requirements for participation. If you have any questions, please contact us via chat or email (for residents in Brazil) and (for residents in other countries).

General information and requirements

It lasts seven days, from Monday through Sunday, in various languages, according to the times and zones shown on the calendar. Each day of activity lasts approximately three hours.

The Basic Week is included in the Basic level activities.

The admission fee for the level is $250 US Dollars.

After completing the week, it can be repeated for free, as many times as desired, at the participant’s discretion.

There are three modalities: online, in-person and remote in-center.


The activity is transmitted live from one of the PRÓ-VIDA studios and enables interaction between participants and the presenter in a virtual environment. Click here and see the essential technical requirements for participation and information about the need to install specific software (PV Link).


This is a live activity carried out in one of the PRÓ-VIDA Centers with both the presenter and the enrolled participants attending in-person.

Remote in-center:

The activity is transmitted live from one of PRÓ-VIDA’s studios to several of its centers where registered participants meet in person. It allows the presenter and the participants to interact despite the fact that the presenter is in a remote location. There are no participants in a digital environment in this modality.

Registrations can be made digitally or in person at the address where the activity will take place (when in-person or remote in-center).

Part of the registration is scheduling an appointment with our representatives, which can also take place remotely or in-person, depending on availability.

No registrations will be made on the weekend before the activity, or during the week in which it takes place.

The minimum age is 9, and there is no maximum limit.

In the case of underage participants, their legal guardian must authorize their participation, according to the instructions to be received at the time of registration.

For the on-line modality, even in the case of minors, access to the transmission of the week is individual and non-transferable.

The level following the Basic is the Advanced 1, and then Introduction.

To participate in the Advanced 1, it is necessary to have concluded the Basic Week. The minimum age is 12.

To participate in the Introduction, it is necessary to have completed the Basic and Advanced 1 Weeks and repeated each of them, in any sequence. This is an official repetition, free of charge, to be done by registration. The minimum age is 15.

Both take place from Monday through Friday, in different languages, according to the times and zones indicated on the calendar. Each day of activity lasts approximately three hours.

The fee for each of them is the same as the Basic Week. After completing the weeks, they can be repeated for free, as many times as desired, at the participant’s discretion.

No, it can’t. Once a week of activities has been announced it will proceed in the announced modality until it is over.

The knowledge of the Basic, Advanced 1 and Introduction Weeks is presented sequentially and gradually and for this reason, if there is an absence, the cycle will be interrupted and may be completed in full at another time, without new payment. If there is no possibility of rescheduling, the amount paid will be returned in full.

To assess the best way to serve everyone, talk to us about the situation of the person interested in participating.

That is not possible because we do not have caretakers or suitable childcare spaces during the Weeks held in PRÓ-VIDA centers.

No. PRÓ-VIDA is a philosophical movement that offers a mind training and development program, with activities that promote the expansion of consciousness and self-improvement, as the only way to improve the environment in which we live.

Contact us via email at (for residents in Brazil) and (for residents in other countries) providing your full name and telephone number. We will get back to you with all the guidelines.

New Participant

If you want to sign up for the Basic Week, click below.

Official Repetition

Click below and sign up for official repetition of the Basic Week.