
September 4, 1981

September 4, 1981

Man arrives on the face of the Earth – a third-dimension planet – and, to enter, he must be constituted like the environment, so that there will be harmony and integration.

And so, he finds in the dimension where he is, big and small, tall and short, inside and outside, black and white, thin and thick… At times, the thin extreme presents itself as better than the thick, the bigger presents itself as better than the smaller and, at times, the other way around. And man lives in an eternal conflict, because he can’t decide in which position he should be, because at times tall is best and, at other times, tall is not the best.

Placed here, in a world of duality, man gets to know conflict; he doesn’t quite know the way: he keeps looking for what could present itself as the best. This is inherent to the third dimension.

One day, living in this conflict, man discovers that inside him there are the same aspects regarding feelings: a greater and a lesser one; a deep Feeling, higher, compared to a lesser Feeling. He recognizes the animal shell, convenient to the planet, which he uses.

As he persists, he discovers that he is not the shell, that there is something else which is he himself. The forces of the shell and he interact, promoting conflict. The comparison of pleasures takes place, and he compares the states of pleasure and joy, at times following the shell, at times following himself. And he can’t feel the point of balance so as to always feel good.

Here, it is to man to recognize and know that this duality exists, this plurality of paths, of forces that drag. And one day he will be able to opt between the forces of the body and those of the spirit. One day he will be invited to take this option and only those who recognize the aspects of this duality will be invited. On that day, those who know the answers will be able to present themselves as candidates to Unity. Certainly, everyone, at some time, will get to that point. And the Earth, three-dimensional planet, will keep on providing this great service to the Universe.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

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