
September 24, 1981

September 24, 1981

At the Nectar Restaurant, after a lady said that, because she had always been a housewife, she wouldn’t have anything to teach others.

Everyone learns a lot with the experiences of others. If each one tells what they have gone through, we learn. When you tell what is, what has been, the side of the story doesn’t matter. Someone has to stand still so that others recognize movement.

You teach the one who runs, to stop, and teach the one who has stopped, to run. Nothing is negligible in life, and there is no unfilled time. What exists is always filled time.

If you put a boat on the water to cross a river, with a person inside, and another outside, swimming, the one who is still, inside the boat, will find it boring and will want the glory of coming back swimming; and the one who is swimming will want to be smart and return still, inside the boat. One teaches the other. It is the satisfaction of the one that goes sitting in the boat, and of the one who goes swimming, that makes the movement, giving reason to all things. The experience is equal in intensity.

If on the way to the other side of the river, the one who was still had tried to get out of the boat, he would have caused the other to lose his reason of life. Therefore, he played an important role.

Now, if you comprehended this, you can give a reason to your life. Always remain active, but changing the nature of the activity. Always doing. It’s good and you should do so, until the day when you find the point: it’s the day when you recognize the ephemerality of all projects. On that day you will have to find the Eternal Project and try to head in its direction.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the