
October 8, 1981

October 8, 1981

I could speak about the flaw that exists in the human brain, since people go through so many experiences and don’t filter from them what is important. I don’t know whether from lack of memory, or because of lack of attention while an experience in life takes place.

There are happy times, very happy times during the year. Christmas, for example, is one of them. In December everything is festivity, everything is joy! There seems to be a strange force in the air and all the people go merrily to the streets, sublimating in the purchase of gifts maybe a desire for Love, for Union and for Fraternity. Maybe justifying that it is because of the celebration, of the day itself, of the gift; perhaps not even noticing what is happening inside their person, inside their personality – that beautiful change, when everybody uses a little more Respect, a little more Patience, a little more Prudence; when people discover Friendship in the air and in the season. Temperance!

When all this happens, in a given space of time, that space of time changes expressions and becomes a state, because the awakening of the emotions coming from the feeling of Fidelity, Friendship, Responsibility, the feeling that comes from Patience, Prudence, Temperance and, above all, from Respect – this feeling that we all feel at certain times of the year or during certain experiences in life, when a little more exacerbated or together – these feelings awaken emotions and these emotions translate on a physical, scientific level, as vibrations, forming a true emotive cloud, charged with good feelings.

And then people go out in this atmosphere, guarded by this energy fence created by each one. And the climate becomes pleasant. Even rain is beautiful! Even the wind has flavor!

And during those days people feel Fraternity. They say they are connected by the One Principle.

Taken by that new reason of being, of being here, of existing, really believing that that is really a Much Better World, a marvelous thing that could always be like that, hymns are sung to Beauty, to Goodness, to Love, to Justice, to Fraternity. And these hymns, sung here and there, are welcome within everyone; because all have their knowledge deposits open to receive such vibrations.

Everything is euphoria. Days pass and, I don’t know why, people undo that blue, golden, energy cloud that they themselves created, and give entrance, again, to that grey cover, that will envelop them for so many other days…!

And I ask: did it remain in memory? Where was that which is good saved?

Once again people begin to attack each other, take revenge, stepping on each other, hurting each other, and waiting, again, for a new harmonic experience.

Such is life, such is the world, such is man today. There seems to be a flaw in the controlling, storing mechanism… a flaw in the human brain!

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the