
October 5, 1981

October 5, 1981

There are still people who believe in a Better World.

Since the beginning of human history, many, many men came and made propositions for the improvement of society so as to improve the world, in the attempt of bringing happiness to all. We observed this.

But it occurred to us that there is a great difference between human beings, and that if we continued trying to make assertions within a truth that would satisfy only one group, only one segment, we would need to go through every field of knowledge, one by one, for thousands and thousands of years, in order to then bring happiness.

(…) We know we live in a world of differences. Nothing is the same: everything is different.

So, to work with relative things, so as to achieve happiness, would, at least, take a long, long time. So, we have decided to work with the Absolute, that factor that exists in everyone, that is common to all the different.

(…) So, having also observed that, for a long time in Humanity, man has been basing himself on the premise that “man is a product of the environment”. And having observed that man, encapsulated as he is, joins up and forms families, and families, societies, we have concluded that if he intends to change the environment in order to bring happiness, he won’t alter the innermost structure. He will only be able to make changes in the environment if a better man appears – a non-encapsulated man, free, happy. And it is a happy man that makes the environment happy, because the environment is a product of man.

So, if you also intend a Better World, you should know that the work is a work of each one within themselves. Feel what you already know. Use Patience: it sediments. Meditate on the points of the Knowledge. Look inside you. Wisdom is knowing yourself. If you recognize your limits, if you recognize your vulnerable points, then you already know where you stand. Do not think that, at the stage of common man, man can build a Better World. He can’t! Thinking the way he does… The most man has achieved with his ideas was this world. It takes more!

Therefore, if you want something better, you will have to start by recognizing yourself, observing your vulnerable points, what holds you, who you are, what you have done, what environment you frequent, who the elements of this environment are, what the elements of the environment you frequent are like, who you talk to, how much time you spend talking. Was there any benefit in this time? Or there wasn’t any benefit? Did you give something or just take something away? Actually, what are you doing in the world?

If you come to the conclusion that it’s too little, that is why the world “is too little”. And if you tell yourself that you already know everything, ask yourself if you are everything you know. After all, each one actions what they think.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

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July 18, 1979

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