
October 24, 1981

October 24, 1981

This is the example we want to give wherever we are: to show that this is not just a forced union, that nobody cuts anybody’s free will; that here everybody does things because it’s really what they feel.

When we do things feeling, knowing the Whole, we can play a melody unknown to all, but, in the parts, known by each one. In the recognition of the parts, it becomes easy. I think this is what we’re doing.


Yes, I think that a great conductor must play any melody. They can’t be specialized in popular music, or in classic or classical music, or in music from Tau Ceti, or… No! A great conductor is a great conductor. Either they know music, or they don’t know music.

I think that each of us will end up becoming a great conductor, and, with humility, each conductor will put themselves in the position of a note to make it… to draw from it its greatest enchantment, its greatest fascination. And we are going to do this.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the