
October 1st, 1981

October 1st, 1981

Question: “Why is this the time?”

You have a total of knowledge at your disposal here, for this Plane. Now, this total isn’t manifested yet; this total doesn’t exist yet! – because things only exist when the Verb creates.

But the Verb is Action! So, this Knowledge is the nonexistent that will be existent when manifested.

Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? It’s here and you haven’t seen it. If you haven’t seen it, it’s because it doesn’t exist – for you! The day the Verb manifests through your word, when your word actions – the day you action yourself – the nonexistent will be manifested and then it will be existent.

Of all the elements of Knowledge that were gradually incorporated, actioned, manifested, at first, crude vibrations of crude things were captured. And now, what already exists here? An energy set, vibrations that already get in tune with the others of equal potential, charged with more subtle Knowledge, of the same things already manifested previously. The Psychic band remains.

For this reason, man occupies himself – and, for now, pre-occupies himself; he is in a pre phase – with capturing, with calling these subtler vibrations in order to manifest them, because all of them will have to be existent, and when all of them are existent, there will be paradise manifested.

“Ye speak and ye know not what ye speak. Ye see and ye know not what ye see.”

“Why is this the time?” Why now? Now it is inexorable! After you’ve removed the sawdust from the surface of the water, you’ll remove the water. After you remove all the water, you’ll be able to reach a heavier and deeper body; there is no more sawdust to be removed.

The attraction done now, here, already allows attracting a kind of subtle Knowledge, existent for the Plane. When the whole is established – removed – it will manifest, the Psychic World will be established in all its potentiality.

And afterwards, what will man attract? Man will attract the Noetic of the Plane, of what is allowed for the Plane.

So, it’s not because man is satisfied or because man is dissatisfied, like someone said a while ago. It’s because, inexorably, man already attracts. It’s because the set of Knowledge here already has a potential that attracts. And it’s going to happen.

That is why this Law no one can block. This Law is like this. You can’t hold back this Law. It is infallible because it’s Absolute, and the Absolute is infallible.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

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