
November 5, 1981

November 5, 1981

Question: “How can you demand evolution, or higher actions, from people who are still at a lower evolutionary stage?”

The evolutionary stages are actually different, and pure intellect can’t lead to the understanding of a deep philosophy.

Isn’t it the same man that goes to the field, casts the seed, and returns – or sends someone – to the same field to harvest those that have germinated and are now trees? And in harvesting the ones that are trees, does he abandon the field, or does he keep on casting seeds? And more: on returning to check on those that have become trees, doesn’t he help, watering those seeds that still haven’t germinated?

So, whenever you recognize the desirable points, of virtue, that the environment doesn’t have, and fight to defend them, you’ll be either harvesting someone who is ready, or casting a seed.

“John, there is a higher truth! Stop being selfish!”

“Wow, I always thought you shouldn’t be selfish, but I’ve never found an environment that could contain that.”

“You are a tree that is ready. Can you comprehend this too?”

“It’s just what I was waiting for!”

I have harvested a tree that is ready.

Or, in the other case, when you establish the point of your recognition, you’ll be sowing: “Peter, you must stop being selfish. Selfishness is not good because of this, this, and that.

“No, no, no! Well… I will think about it…”

I have cast a seed.

If that isn’t done, we stay stuck in time, waiting for everyone to evolve naturally. They will evolve naturally, but we must logically consider ourselves omissive, since if evolution is taking place, it’s because someone other than us is sowing. Therefore, we must consider ourselves omissive.

This considered, it is up to the one who wants to give the slightest contribution to a Better World, to take a point they recognize is wrong, and with all the knowledge they have and will acquire, fight. But, of course, first give yourself as an example, and then fight to eliminate that point.

Does this mean that you have already eliminated the point in yourself? No. But you will prepare the field, and will sow many, and harvest many. This way, you’ll always be doing Good and this will make you stand out in evolutionary level.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

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