
March 4, 1981

March 4, 1981

Everything that happens and that leaves you incontented, dissatisfied, is a consequence, is your share. It’s what we call merit. Merit! When you become conscious that exactly everything, your life itself, that everything that happens is only merit, when this enters you, there will be a very big change! Serenity begins to appear.

Everything that happens to everyone is the result of merit!

What does Merit derive from? Merit derives from the application of the Law, the Great Law, Universal Law, and you can’t interfere with this Law because it’s Absolute, it’s just, it’s narrow, there’s no room in it for any other opinion, there’s no room for any modification. It’s just in itself, this is why it receives the name Justice. The application of the Universal Law has as a resultant what you deserve.

But there are people who don’t even know the Law! And those, who don’t even know the Law, are the ones that rebel. Because if they knew the Law, knowing what would happen, what they would deserve, they automatically could prevent the occurrence if they wanted to, by following the Law. Or even go against it, and have, as merit, that which manifests within the personality as anguish, incontentment, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, disorders, conflicts…

But someone who doesn’t know the Law doesn’t even have the opportunity to get rid from annoyances. Therefore, they’re being led, they’re in a sea of thorns and there’s no way out! Except when something awakens in them and then they go out in search of the Law to be able to avoid those aspects.

There begins the struggle. There begins the fight between accepting the Law or accepting what you want. However, since the Law is just, there is no room for what you want: it will do what it wants!

There is only one way: the way of Truth!

Well, you’ve already noticed that most people who live in anguish, who are incontented, or in crises, want what they want, they want their will to prevail. But they don’t even know where they want to go, or many times they don’t even know what they want. Total ignorance of the Law.

Total ignorance? Of course, it’s an error of education. It wasn’t taught. Who was it that taught it to you? For thousands of years, who is it that has been giving consciousness of the Self? Who has been giving this? No one! Of course, a few took this upon themselves. Took it upon themselves to give consciousness of the Self. But in what way?

(…) Of course, a new world will have to be born with a new school as well. “New wine in an old skin…” Everything has to be new. Therefore, we won’t reform, we won’t revolutionize, we won’t fix it. No. We will build something completely different. New foundations.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

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Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

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