
March 13, 1980

March 13, 1980

Everything has life. Everything is life. The integration with the Whole should be connected to the aspects of Having and Being that you – inside yourself – should feel. Therefore, it is important that you learn Respect.

(…) Respect should be connected to the Supreme Respect, a Respect to all events, a Respect to all manifestations, a Respect to everything that has an expression of being.

(…) When you start practicing Respect, something will begin to show in you that is called docility, meekness, and only those who started learning Respect can be docile and meek. Docility and meekness are close, very close to what is called Purity.

(…) And you will only be able to feel what docile and meek is the day you start respecting, but a Respect that should be conscious and unconscious to the existing things, to things that are Life.

(…) To practice Respect for everything! When I say everything, I mean that a word has life with a small “l” and with a capital “L” – in the two aspects of Life that we consider. Therefore, the words that come from a person, and those pronounced by you, have Life and therefore, deserve Respect.

(…) Stop by the sea or on a mountain, and gaze. You are in silence. Start reflecting on that valley, on that mountain. You will soon be meditating about it. As you contemplate deeply, the silence that is in it appears within you, because that is silent. It only speaks to those who have ears to hear. It only allows to be seen internally by those who have eyes to see, to really see. Therefore, as you reflect, it’s superficial: as you meditate, it deepens.

When you contemplate that object in question, which is Life, it starts showing the silence it has inside. Then it speaks and lets itself be seen. This means that you’ve begun to feel Respect for that. At that instant you enter a state of secret. Not the secret of not wanting to tell… You can’t allow words to get in the way of those other words that the silence of that object is saying to you…

(…) A mind, to be able to expand its conscious state, should first learn to respect. From then on, the object in question acquires new proportions, and when the object in question acquires new proportions, it means that you are expanding your consciousness to the point of doing Cosmic Integration.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the