
June 5, 1981

June 5, 1981

This is a time dedicated to a different body, the mental body.

Everything we are results from information that, before reaching the physical body (in other words, before manifesting themselves through the hands, through words, through conduct, because everything our three-dimensional body does is just obeying orders that come from outside)… information that, before reaching the physical body, are filtered, analyzed and integrated to a body that is called mental.

When all this is well comprehended, you will also understand why use this mental body. And when you have well used the mental body, the manifestations of the physical body will already be much better. Then that time everyone aims at will come.

Why aren’t the manifestations already better?

The human physical body manifests itself through words, emotions and conducts.

Since the physical body has higher manifestations in comparison to the other beings on Earth, everyone will have to take a step further and then will understand this other body: let’s call it spiritual body.

Before arriving at the mental body, this already being well developed, these orders pass through another body, that we call spiritual. Then you will develop the Real because the mental body is illusory, as the physical. Reality begins at the spiritual body. Begins. You will, then, do exercises to develop the spiritual body, and the mental will improve more and more, and in sequence, the physical as well.

So, once a week we stop and, for one hour a week, all of us that are here, dedicate ourselves to the training of the mental body. At first, confusing for some, others apprehend more, but with time everything becomes clearer.

I still want to say something about suffering and happiness. Never put your point of happiness on an ephemeral thing. Every time you are suffering, you are putting your point of happiness onto something temporary.

For example, people put their point of happiness on another person. If you do that, you are walking the path of suffering.

Another day I asked someone, “Do you like me?”

“Wow! Do I like you!” the person said.

“I am the reason for your happiness? I’m going to die!” And that way you are going to suffer! You are walking the path of suffering. Don’t put your point of happiness on me, but on what comes from me, on what results from me, and so with everyone else. This way, you will be eternally happy.

Passion is ephemeral. Here, objects of passion are ephemeral, temporary. The day people understand this they will have discovered a greater reason for life, they will have discovered immortality. Every person that suffers does not have a lasting point of happiness; they have an ephemeral point of happiness. If you move the clock forward a little, you already know you will have to suffer.

Where is your point of happiness? Analyze it and do a premonition: are you going to suffer or not? Is it ephemeral, temporary, or eternal?

It may be hard, but it is very beautiful! With what joy the Creator makes our evolution…! He placed ephemeral things and left the choices to your free will.

How are you going to evolve? With the suffering you will buy? Is it suffering that makes you evolve? No. Suffering is a consequence of your non-evolution. There isn’t an element of suffering that you pick now and say, “I will evolve”. It’s no use putting your hand in the fire to suffer; that doesn’t evolve you!

Ask yourself: What is your point of happiness? – and see if you are on the path or not.

This is called the path to Freedom. Do you want to know how you are? Do you want to measure yourself? Look at your actions: does your physical body respond to what your Mental Body knows?

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

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July 18, 1979

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