
June 24, 1981

June 24, 1981

At the stage of development to achieve happiness, no matter how much some themes are discussed, these themes always remain incomplete, because each theme, each theme of capital, total importance, themes that stir up… that are about personality, about behavior, themes that are a part of the human constitution, these themes present themselves under many facets.

So, in a Course, one of these aspects is discussed and people say, “Wow, now I understand! This is it! I believe that now I know and the problem is now solved”. After some time, the problem reappears.

So, if you want to talk a little about them, it would be themes like vanity, pride… Goodness! Love… Not only negative; positive too, it doesn’t matter. Themes that have an importance… Or fear! Awe. Themes that are constituents. They articulate with each other and are the reason of the human being, they constitute the human being. Everything that is done during analysis, in a psychoanalyst’s office, but… or at least they’re discussed.

No matter how much is talked about them, you’ll see that there will always be something more, we’ll always need to talk a little bit more about that theme, until the day each one can then discover that that’s the way it works, that this is how it works. And each one then starts looking for the thousands of facets, the thousands of… facets – that’s the term – faces that will present themselves in the circumstances of life, in all of them, connected from the inside out and inside you, you with yourself.

These themes, these subjects, yield other resultant themes: happiness/unhappiness, sadness/joy, well-being/ill-being, the feeling of plenitude/the feeling of emptiness.

This is why, often, people already prepared, people who are at a very high level of knowledge, who have spent a whole life studying will at times be sad and/or joyful; happy and unhappy; well, not well. And so these people ask themselves, “Gosh! Having so much knowledge, so many things, why still these resultants of good/bad, joyful/sad, happy/unhappy, contented-discontented… Why does it still happen to me, who has been practicing, studying, who has…?”

So now, knowing that this is resultant of those other themes I talked about at first – basic themes – that constitute the being, and knowing that these themes present thousands of faces, always corresponding to old and new circumstances – even because everything is in evolution – you’ll realize that you’ll never stop learning, you’ll never stop evolving.

Therefore, every time a theme is mentioned, on that day… every time a theme is mentioned that we have mentioned previously, we have even talked about – in life it’s also like this – something interesting will always happen and you should know that that’s how it is and that it happens: on that day, and in that instant, and in that personal circumstance, that theme will have, for each one, a connotation; it will present itself with a different view. It’s the same theme, but on that day, to you, it is different, and will always be different because the circumstances alternate from day to day.

All this makes a balance of nature. It makes sure that things won’t tend towards one side or the other. It makes everything be harmonically mixed. A harmonic mixture. Everything in nature, everything in the universe occurs like this. And this translates into something whose value maybe you haven’t found out! The fact that it is like this gives the motivation of life.

If it weren’t like this, the individual would self-complete and, in self-completing, they would lose the factor… the hope factor… or the will to go on. They would lose that which pushes them. They would lose the factor which determines the moving forward in evolution. It is important that things be like that.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the