
June 10, 1981

June 10, 1981

How much time, how many times, how much space must be taken by each one until, at last, they discover the real meaning of Life?

How long must people remain in the attempt of recognition?

Could it be that knowing oneself again, or recognizing oneself, is so difficult?

Could it be that people, with everything they have to see, to hear, to touch, to try, don’t understand, after all, who they are, where they come from, and where they must go one day?

Could it be that difficult? Could it be that difficult?!

Could it be that the god of matter is so mighty as to defeat the God that made [everything,] including matter?

Could the part be greater than the Whole?

Could it be that the rational and transcendental logic disappears within the individuality of the people that live the times we live in?

Could it be that people don’t feel it’s logical that the creature can’t be more than the Creator? And that the creature, us, and also the god of matter, were all created by a God that is greater?

Could it be that people, someday, won’t stop rendering homage to the ephemeral, the transitory? Could it be that it’s impossible, or could it be that technology will have to come up with a shot, a liquid to be injected into each one’s veins so that at last we can recognize who we are?

Could it be that through the philosophical, mental, experimental processes, a big laboratory hasn’t been given to us?

Could it be that our sensory organs don’t represent sensors that check our everyday experiences, of the everyday of every year, of all the existing years in every century in our history? Could it be that those sensors don’t send everything to a brain, to a computer? And could it be that we don’t already have a big laboratory to provide us with the answer?

What more is needed?

I even wonder: if people didn’t have legs or arms, if they were deaf, dumb, blind, and were placed here, could it be that as centuries went by, thinking, meditating they wouldn’t have greater chances of finding out? Nevertheless, I believe that the Creator really knows. The Creator really knows why we have the elements of manifestation: legs, arms, voice…

Could it be so difficult to recognize right and wrong?

How many veils are there hiding the divine spark?

(…) Even the work of recognition has been done. And is being done. And will be done. The task is much easier now. The task at this point is simple!

All you have to do is put an end to hypocrisy!

All you have to do is put an end to what is wrong!

All you have to do is remember that if you are not, you don’t deserve!

All you have to do is remember that there is a remission of errors!

All you have to do is remember.

(…) Stop trying to take the path you know is wrong. Expose yourself to the light. Stop walking in the darkness.

(…) What more must be shown? What more must be done?

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the