
July, 1981 Newsletter

July, 1981 Newsletter

And everything was going wonderfully. It was a morning like any other, if seen through betic eyes, but entirely different to the eyes of the people from PRÓ-VIDA. After all, that morning, there was a delicate lace of white clouds, real nimbus contrasting with the Brazilian blue sky. And all the PRÓ-VIDA students saw that, besides the sun that everybody sees.

But the Sun itself was different that morning, because, comprehending the prevailing Harmony on a small soccer field, emitted, besides the usual rays, some vibrations of an unknown frequency that translated into an also unknown color, only seen and felt by the players, PRÓ-VIDA students.

It was a gift from nature to those who had eyes to see, ears to hear and cells to feel.

It turns out that team A in the first 30 minutes of play scored 8 goals versus 1 from team B. This imbalance didn’t represent spite (that is why we don’t say “despite this imbalance”). The atmosphere was relaxed and even hilarious. The crowd rooted for the Sun and the clouds, for the ice cream and the candy; and the players, for the game not to end, so that a few more pounds could be lost.

Then, in this atmosphere, a terrible incident occurred: suddenly one of the players from the team that was winning 8 to 1, in a brilliant play, crossed the whole field getting past everyone, ending with a chip pass over two opponents. At that moment the referee (Orley) whistled a serious foul. All the players shouted complaining, “Foul?” “Why?” “How?” And solemnly the judge responded, raising his finger, “Lack of Humility!” and went on, “To humiliate the opponent like that? Have you forgotten to compare the Size of our game to the Beauty of this gorgeous morning?”

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

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July 18, 1979

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