
February 22, 1981

February 22, 1981

As you know, thoughts emit vibrations, frequencies known and frequencies as yet unknown by science.

There are good vibrations and not good vibrations.

The following happens: these latter vibrations come from fear, sadness, anxiety, caused by emotions that counter the sense of the happiness each one has. All this is called not good vibrations.

On being emitted, these vibrations stay in space and in the dimension in which they can remain stable, as in a chemical reaction.

When many not good vibrations – fear, anguish, etc. – are emitted, they form like a cloud around the person, then they leave and stay around.

It’s hard to explain another dimension here that’s not visible, to someone who is here, and also for our brains to be able to follow this cloud that we can’t see, but can feel.

In the world, not only today, there have always been conflicts, wars and problems of a social nature, total, that cause people to emit these types of vibrations, which remain hovering in the air around the region where the thoughts were emitted.

When it’s only in one place, it’s OK. The cloud stays there, and by the electromagnetic discharges undergone by the planet, the accumulated charges spread out, leave.

As you know, the world situation is now very tense, and these types of vibration are in all parts of the world, increasing more and more.

This cloud of not good vibrations is now spread all over the planet, generating tensions, fear, anxiety, the sensation that something is going to happen, a sensation of anxiety.

As the whole planet is in conflict in all regions, people are suffering the influence of these types of vibrations and living in anxiety.

Anxiety leads to a kind of collective madness, and people perform acts of true madness.

What is happening is that these vibrations emitted by all, form thick clouds that prevent other vibrations: the capturing of a purer knowledge that comes to us.

All you have to do is go above that cloud and capture from where there are bright spots, harmonic frequencies… the capturing of higher frequencies, other types of frequencies.

It’s easy to locate where there are good people.

The Universe itself, the Earth itself has a defense mechanism like a capturing antenna, a network within, giving the whole body all kinds of news, and it reacts.

From the outside there is also a defense. The Earth as a planet receives magnetic fields beneficial to the manifestation of the kind of life we ​​have here.

The magnetic fields that protect the Earth make a kind of balance of the planet.

It would be like a person who stays in a dark room and never again sees the sun. They will get sicker and sicker. Just the fact of opening a window to the sunlight heals them.

So, we let the sunlight in, giving an open channel to the sunlight, so that beneficial energies enter, which means it is good for our balance, for our physical and mental balance. We open a window. We are taking sunlight, a cosmic energy bath.

There are few windows on the planet that are doing what we are doing. We are doing good for the Earth itself and for the other planets as well. It doesn’t seem like it, but it’s very big.

Let’s open our window so that greater forces know that we want Peace. That we are here. That we exist.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

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