
February 15, 1980

February 15, 1980

There are people who live to give advice to others.

When someone gives you advice, stop, listen, respect it, it doesnt matter if its from a child, a young or an old person. What’s important is to analyze the advice you were given. This is for those who receive the advice.

And for those who give it? When giving someone advice, observe if there are no aspects of selfishness, vanity, pride. Consider that its easier to give advice than to analyze a piece of advice received. Analyze, beforebesides the advice itself, the person to whom you intend to give the advice to. See if they are strong one, or not. And be very conscious before expressing an idea regarding any subject. Acting like this, you might not fix the world, but certainly you will be fixing yourself. 

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the