
December 21, 1979

December 21, 1979

Don’t isolate yourself. Live.

Feel life and then you begin to shine. Once the rays of life have penetrated you, you begin to shine, and you’ll be a sun. Apply all the philosophy that you’ve learned, from the beginning until now. Pay attention to every little point. Say, “Look, now I’m weak at this… I’ll get better at that… Right now I’m weak at that… I’m better at this…” Do a study and, suddenly you begin to act that way. And then you’ll feel that it’s really kind of difficult to act with all the people out there. But you make a sacrifice, because a sun has to light up the darkness. So, you make a sacrifice and stay out there, but then you run here, because here is full of suns, so it’s nice, you can talk in the same language. And so, here you begin to spend time with all of us and, of course, bringing people to increase, to increase, to increase…

This is the comprehension that you all have today, but didn’t have a few months ago. You know that! See how you’ve grown recently. Each one observe themselves and will see! Everybody must be noticing the difference in each of you, too.

This should be the motto: TO BE A SUN. How about beginning to understand that this is the purpose – it’s this! And look: it’s good for you, only for you. It’s Life. Life. Life is movement, because energy is movement. Therefore, in life, you can’t stop. Never stop in life. Never stop! Look: don’t ever stop! Always have something… have an objective, always. Don’t waste time. Always aim at your objective.

Never stop in life. Never! Never! Don’t wish to settle. Always have something in mind. Always grow; try to do, always. A sun is always in combustion. A sun is always in movement. You must always light up, and the darkness will always be there, because the day the darkness disappears, would the Sun have a reason to be? Therefore, understand this wonderful cycle of things and BE this! And since you’re gaining conditions to Be, seize this chance! And from now on, let everyone say of you, “You know, so-and-so… It’s beautiful to be around them! It’s beautiful!” Become that Beauty. Become someone everybody wants to be around. Exude the energy, the happiness that you’ll have if you embrace all our principles.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the