
December 17, 1979

December 17, 1979

Text dictated by DR. CELSO CHARURI to be sent to the students. He consented that year to the title “A Word from the Master” by our suggestion.


It is with great satisfaction that we have seen the fulfillment of our propositions made in Tela Mental for the year 1979.

Although the world panorama has become much tenser than in previous years, our students have remained unshaken and lived their lives “in a year full of Happiness”.

1980 presents itself before us with roads where only thorns and steep cliffs of apparently difficult passage remain.

This should cause more anxiety and anguish in the men of our era, driven by these factors. Fear will become the last drop, and when it overflows, it will generate excesses, crimes and greater dissolution of the current aspects of our society.

In search of solutions, some men will walk along the field of material technology, and others along the field of spirituality. 

A bigger conflict will then be established since one-sidedness – spirit or material technology – will not promote balance. For this, the integration of technique and spirit will be necessary, placed on equidistant pans of the scale having as center man, the coordinator.

This latter reasoning will be, without doubt, the line of conduct of the PRÓ-VIDA philosophy.

So, no matter how great the difficulties men face in the next few years, for us they will only serve to promote movement and accelerate the evolution aspects of PRÓ-VIDA students.

As one can see, we won’t adopt the philosophy of the fanatical spiritualists or that of the irresponsible materialists, because we know that the Truth is in the point of balance.

So much so that, for the next year, we have organized a perfect training plan for the mental development of our students, which will certainly lead to the opening of the necessary channels for the comprehension of the future. It is clear, then, that we are not clinging to passions, that are ephemeral in their essence, but to Love, that is lasting, balanced and therefore, just.

Many will talk of our insolent conceit, as we give such testimony of our ideas. However, we can say that it is right, since we know and have the conviction of where we come from, where we are, and where we are going. And those who may possibly criticize us don’t even know where they are.

When all the energy centers are open, and even so the generated force is not enough to pull the vehicle out of the mud, a composition of energies directed to the same end, or the discovery of new energy centers, becomes necessary. The ideal, of course, would be the integration of these two aspects. 

Wake up! Stop spending your energies uselessly! Have courage and believe in what you feel. Don’t let yourself be influenced by the bankrupt Collective Mind. Know that you are the essence of the Whole and that in you lies the Truth. Allow us to help you and to have your higher potentialities surface.

It is only the fact that you are our brother in flesh and in spirit, our universal brother, child of the same Father, that leads us to this attitude.

Best regards,

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the