
December 15, 1980

December 15, 1980

(…) man is a product of the environment. We say this is correct: man is a product of the environment. And we also say the following is correct: the environment is a product of Man. The difference, as you can see, is in the “M”. The man who’s a product of the environment is a small man. A big Man builds his environment, and the environment becomes his product.

This modification can only be made with an exchange of “M”s, in other words, transforming the individual, removing the barriers from them. Not the barriers that come from the outside; the barriers that come from the inside. That’s why we say that we are not for revolution – revolution. We are for evolution. It becomes very clear, right? We are for evolution. This is the PRÓ-VIDA thinking. We believe that if we evolve man, if we remove the barriers, if we transform the small man into a big Man, if we give the means so that each one can remove their own barriers, if we give each one the means to know themselves, so that later, knowing the other, together with the other make a suitable environment for both.

This is PRÓ-VIDA’s principle: through evolution, not through revolution. The environment is a product of a Man and the environment is a Much Better World. So, a Much Better World can only arise with better Men. Very well! Very well.

Only the one who comes to Be what they’ve learned will be able to feel the effects of Evolution. It’s impossible, impossible to only Have the knowledge and to Be. It’s necessary to work to Be. Having is useless. I don’t discuss with those who have knowledge; only with those who are the knowledge. And then we don’t argue; we talk. And it’s easy to see this, during our courses you’ll soon realize how easy it is to see who is and who has. You’ll soon notice all this.

It’s necessary, therefore, to reaffirm the initial Life purpose. Consider the question:

Does man want a Much Better World and doesn’t know how to have it, or could it be that man doesn’t want the Much Better World?

Look at the situation, the world panorama, and ask yourself this question: does man want and doesn’t know how, or could it be that man doesn’t want?

To us, the management of this situation doesn’t matter so much, for now. What matters to us, at the moment, is to recognize those who are united by a higher purpose. United by an Ideal. And you’ll see it’s not easy, even though many of you think you already are, you’re not; you can’t be. Not yet.

Because later, when we recognize those who are united, we’ll apply something that is called joining together, putting together. You’ll soon see an emblem – very soon – of this. We’ll say: If you’ve already comprehended Union – union for an Ideal, union within Friendship, union within the Principles, union with something greater, with a greater spark within you, union with good principles… So, if you’ve comprehended… You who have comprehended Union, strengthen yourself by Joining Together. This is maybe the difference between uniting and joining, you know? Idea of set, idea of individual.

Don’t forget what PRÓ-VIDA’s method is: not revolution; evolution. Not a small man; a Man with a capital “M”. To grow inside, so as to later put out what’s good in you.

To those more in a hurry, a question may arise: “Oh, but when will we achieve this?” The most convenient answer is: when you achieve it within yourself – because one Man with Light has the capacity to light up thousands and thousands, thousands and thousands… one Man with Light. If you want to know when, here’s a work-answer: work inside yourself.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the