
December 1, 1981

December 1, 1981

PRÓ-VIDAs presentation at the Anhembi Convention Center.

Stop. It is necessary that you listen to me. Calm down. Relax. This is the moment. Now is the time to talk to you. One day, in a faraway place, very far, inconceivable for you today… this place exists, and there, I saw happen exactly what is happening here and now with you: confusion… madness… war… I watched a Beginning and an End, and therefore, I can give testimony to what I can and will tell you.

I have been following your anxiety for Peace. I have seen the different attempts to achieve a Much Better World that you made. I even felt your good will in achieving this. However, there is an error, and it has been placed since the beginning. There is a false basis over which you made your attempts for achieving a Much Better World. I haven’t pointed out this flaw, this error, this false basis, because I know that experience – yes, personal experience – causing each one to fall into an abyss and suffer, is necessary to expand Evolution.

There are also other paths to evolution. I could mention meditation and imitation. But, proud, vain, arrogant, filled with faults and vices as you are, you would have, as you had, to go through experience, the most painful way to evolve.

Today, now, it’s necessary that I speak and that you listen to me. A greater mechanism, of which you are part as a cog, demands everyone’s attention.

The false basis, the error, the principle which you have adopted for the building of a Much Better World has been “modifying the environment to modify man”. That is: you consider that man is a product of the environment. There is the error. Men who are a product of the environment are men with a small “m”, and how could someone small, minute, imperfect, build a perfect, capital environment?

I mean that if you intend a Better World, a Greater World, it’s necessary that Men with a capital “M”, that is, greater, better Men, be prepared, because the environment is a product of Man, and not man a product of the environment. Men with a capital “M” will build a capital environment.

To this day, I have seen you defending good using the weapons of evil. What unfortunate pretention! In using the weapons of evil, the most men can achieve, as they have, is only to reinforce evil. How can someone kill, punish, offend, imprison, step on someone if they intend the exact opposite? That’s what you’ve been doing. Exactly this.

It is necessary, among you, Courage! Yes, Courage to continue using the weapons of the Principle you want to defend. Or don’t you have principles to be defended? Or do you have evil as principle? What principles do you want?

So, if you want what’s good, the Good, you must use the weapons of Goodness, which are Love, Purity, True Help, Sympathy, Brotherhood… Never aggression, violence, war, and especially selfishness, because these are the weapons of evil. It’s necessary to prepare men with Courage to use the weapons that are part of a Much Better World, and then you will have a Much Better World.

As you can see, modify man and Man will modify the environment. So, stop discussing the defects and start working on the virtues. Stop discussing solutions which, to my understanding, have only been selfish, have only brought about personal gain.

Place those who like and can defend into the real position of defense. Let them defend those who like and can sing and dance the joy of living. You, always sing the same song, and unite everyone in the harmonic tone of your words. Finally, you, keep everyone in this harmonic rhythm.

Have as a basis one Truth, that is Supreme and Absolute. To discover it, stop looking down or to the sides, and look up. As you discover it, you will see that it leads to Justice; you will see that Justice will bring Freedom. And with Truth, Justice and Freedom, you will have Peace and your Much Better World.

Let any fatalities that may occur and try to disintegrate this harmonic set be corrected by the same principles of Fidelity to which you have made yourselves available. Then, everything will be PRÓ-VIDA [in favor of Life] and death will disappear from your civilization.

If I managed to train your minds and have you see the greatness of the Whole, if I managed to promote the connection of your minds to the Whole, you will live in Cosmic Integration. We will be neighbors; we will be brothers, because the place I told you about still exists. They heard and saw, and today, they live. I hope you have eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank you.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

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