
August 17, 1981

August 17, 1981

Here we seek to develop the Much Better World.

Many tried to develop the Much Better World through the sword. So many in history ended up being burned at the stake!

Others tried to develop the Much Better World through revolution, through the hands, through the body! But their bodies were done away with! Others sought the Better World through the word, through the mouth, speaking. Many had their tongues cut out! No more tongue, no more Much Better World.

And us? We seek the Much Better World through the mind and we are certain and confident that we’ll achieve this Much Better World, because, should they do away with the body, the mind continues. Should they take the body from this dimension, the mind already lives in another dimension.

And the mind of each one here in PRÓ-VIDA is trained to be able to place Truth, Justice, Freedom and Peace in this dimension, third, specifically on the planet we inhabit, the Earth.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

March 29, 1980

Why do people go out for entertainment? Why do people plan to get away for a weekend? Man needs to escape routine. And

July 18, 1979

As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the