
August 14, 1981

August 14, 1981

Imagine that our body is made up of a lot of little lights, tuners, emitters, and transmitters with different frequencies. Imagine this bunch of points in your body, and in those of others, as well.
As you train, do mental exercises, you gradually place all this in a certain band, you gradually harmonize yourself.
There is an energy of the word, of the letter, and within the letter there’s its meaning. Otherwise, we wouldn’t know what the word means. Not just the sound, the joining of the letters. Within the word there’s an emotion, an energy, the feeling connected to the image that you have of that word.
Now, the image comprises all the facets of what something means, facets that quite often you just feel, you don’t have conscious participation; it may be unconscious.
Smoke, what is it? It’s this. This, inside your mind, is an image that has all the information of what smoke is, where it comes from, what the smoke does, the colors, its qualities, and characteristics. The color, if it reminds you of something, brings you an emotion; if of another color, it causes you a different emotion. And when I say smoke, it’s not only this one, but all possible smokes: as to color, smell, and intensity. The recollection of something, a signal-sign – the process of memory.
So, imagine your body with sensors to capture sensations. And somebody says, I’m the owner of 400 oil wells in Texas. You say, “That’s a lie.” Why didn’t you buy what they said? Why can you say, “I think it’s not true”? Because the words spoken were loaded with emotion, with the feeling – real or unreal, truthful, or lying – that the person has and that, in the set expressed, you felt.
In a normal conversation, suddenly you enter into that state of being faraway. At that moment your perception is greater, for you who can already achieve a more harmonic state. Someone talks to you with their lights on as well. That person awakens in you an emotion of the “red” type. What they say comes loaded with that image, translated by the word. That enters you, hits your lights and these reject it. This is intuition, perception. At that time, you have some perceptions regarding the person or the environment, that is, the things of the environment.
Don’t disregard these sensations. They are true, more real than anything. The training is slow. You don’t turn into a sensitive overnight; but make use of the sensation, even if you discover something that you don’t know what it is. That’s already good. Later on, you’ll find out.
(…) Sometimes you may pick up some perception that will leave you upset, sad. When this happens, do a really good analysis: “Could it be that it is I who am wrong, not accepting a perception that is just, honest?” And you correct yourself. Look at the person and know what to say to improve that person. Or, know how to protect yourself from the person when this happens, because the aspect one picks up the quickest in this development is that of falsehood. Suddenly you notice a word of falsehood, or an atmosphere… You feel like not speaking anymore, like not going anymore, not going along with the person on that project anymore. If you have the intuition that it won’t work, believe it: it won’t.
What I’m trying to show now is the following: Don’t let yourselves be led only by the five senses, which are crude. Let yourselves be led by the finer perception. It doesn’t mean that you should go about in alpha; it is also necessary for you to accept your five senses, which give crude answers and are suitable for this environment. But, all of a sudden there is a perception: don’t neglect it. Make use of it. That’s how the training begins. Because one day even the physical part will react; it seems that the body, when it repels, is thrown backwards. You will be struck. And you will learn to get the body into a state to feel this. Or to feel and attract what is pure. It takes a while because to develop power you need Philosophy. If there is no preparation, you may fall due to the egoistic aspects still in you.
(…) When you are in alpha, you tune in to the state you are in. If you are nervous, you tune in to humanity’s aspects of nervousness. If in peace, you tune in to aspects of Peace in the Universe. If beyond, you tune in to aspects from beyond the Plane. It is always your state that confers the tuning to the other state.
(…) So, how can people avoid aspects of mental forgery? When they are really free. This way, they won’t forge what they are afraid to accept.
Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

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