
August 10, 1981

August 10, 1981

Speech given by Dr. Celso Charuri after speaking to his daughter on her birthday.

Birthday, representation of the Ideal. Nativity. Rebirth. The end of a yearly cycle. New beginning. As I congratulate someone on their birthday, I recognize their existence as a being. As I do this, unconsciously, I make myself recognized.

Someone only exists in an environment if to their right as well as to their left there is a reference point, even if relative.

So, even if the child doesn’t have the capacity to understand this recognition that I give them, the favorable vibrational situation and the sense of Friendship, of Union of Ideals, that I establish as I consider them, mark emotional results, psychological results, and others, of the situation.

Later on, they may not have the day of their first or fifth birthday memorized, but will have in their Self the mark of recognition that I give them.

Picture of Dr. Celso Charuri

Dr. Celso Charuri

Conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA

Previous texts

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July 18, 1979

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