December 17, 1979
Text dictated by DR. CELSO CHARURI to be sent to the students. He consented that year to the title “A
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In the first three years of PRÓ-VIDA, Dr. Celso Charuri showed his Cause to his friends.
He knew that others would come and that his teachings would give a superior reason of life to those who also wanted to defend, by means of the example, the purpose of building and teaching how to build a Much Better World.
PRÓ-VIDA is honored to edit and offer this compilation of texts that Dr. Celso Charuri dictated for PRÓ-VIDA Newsletters of 1981 and January 1982, transcripts of excerpts from his classes and speeches, as well as students’ notes in situations they experienced with him. This set of texts includes those that were published in the section “To The Friends In PRÓ-VIDA” during 2020.
Collection of 13 texts dictated by Dr. Celso Charuri for the PRÓ-VIDA Newsletters from 1981 to January 1982.
Text dictated by DR. CELSO CHARURI to be sent to the students. He consented that year to the title “A
Dear friends! We are starting 1981. We know that all our propositions will come true, since from our Tela Mental, conflict has
The behavior of today’s man attests to his poorness of knowledge regarding the factor life. So, modern man spends his
Your presence is the present that encourages those present who, in the present, build the future Much Better World for those still
Text dictated by DR. CELSO CHARURI to be sent to the students. He consented that year to the title “A Word from the
Dear friends! We are starting 1981. We know that all our propositions will come true, since from our Tela Mental, conflict has been banned and
Excerpts from Dr. Celso Charuri’s lectures and participant’s notes about situations lived with him.
As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either
Is there anything in the universe more wonderful than Patience? Isn’t time itself Patience? And who overcomes time, if not
Dr. Celso, talking about Feeling, simulates a person’s meditation: “What do I seek…? “You know, my God, I look at
Is there a dose of Love? Can Love be given in doses? Love has no dose. It is the total
As we reach an objective, we always want to reach another, and such is the Life process. In Life, either you reach the
Is there anything in the universe more wonderful than Patience? Isn’t time itself Patience? And who overcomes time, if not Patience itself? You
Excerpts from classes, speeches by Dr. Celso Charuri and notes from friends of conversations with him, selected for the section “To the Friends in PRÓ-VIDA” published in 2020.
Make the time you are here, at PRÓ-VIDA, count, as well as the time you are on the face of
Excerpt from the speech made by Dr. Celso Charuri at the Donation Ceremony of the General Center for the Tithe
Excerpt from the speech given by Dr. Celso during the solemnity of donation of the Central Geral do Dízimo to
We were recalling what will be, by what is now. We were recalling the present that will be, in the
Excerpt from the speech made by Dr. Celso Charuri at the Donation Ceremony of the General Center for the Tithe to the hospital
Make the time you are here, at PRÓ-VIDA, count, as well as the time you are on the face of the Earth. Give
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