Donation at the PRÓ-VIDA Club of Baradero
The first donation of 2022 in Argentina took place on Saturday, March 26.
Donations benefit 99 institutions in Brazil
CGD-PV’s action sets an example of how it is possible to build a better world.
Christmas Donation benefits institutions in five countries
The Donation Ceremony took place at the PRÓ-VIDA Club in Araçoiaba, São Paulo (Brazil), on December 11.
Biotechnology Vocational School is donated in Brazil
Dr. Celso Charuri Vocational Training Center was delivered by CGD-PV (General Center for the Tithe – PRÓ-VIDA) to Senai – São Paulo.
Donation benefits institutions in Argentina
The Donation Ceremony took place on November 6 at the PRÓ-VIDA Country Club in Baradero.
Donation benefits 66 institutions in Brazil
The ceremony was held at the PRÓ-VIDA Headquarters on September 25
Donation in Mendoza
The social action of the PRÓ-VIDA movement was manifested in Argentina with the donation of various materials to six charities.
Donation benefits 50 institutions in Brazil
Ceremony held on August 14 represented the joint action of PRO-VIDA participants.
Joint effort benefits 43 institutions around the world
Donations were made throughout the month of June in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Italy.
Donation Ceremony in Argentina
Ten entities benefited from a donation made in Argentina on Sunday, April 11, 2021