September 11, 1981
Yesterday I was talking to some people from outside about the mind, people still stuck to materialism, who can’t get past points like: “I won’t do this because nobody is going to boss me around, nobody is going to dominate me…” They haven’t been able to overcome contesting. “Nobody else will mess with me, I […]
September 8, 1981
There is a Greater Love. There is a Greater Goodness. There is a Greater Power. Our Mind is connected. We are not an isolated part of the Universe. We are together with all the parts. We are part of the same respiration – the Great Respiration. Our small pulmonary respiration is illusory. Our movement is […]
September 4, 1981
Man arrives on the face of the Earth – a third-dimension planet – and, to enter, he must be constituted like the environment, so that there will be harmony and integration. And so, he finds in the dimension where he is, big and small, tall and short, inside and outside, black and white, thin and […]
August 17, 1981
Here we seek to develop the Much Better World. Many tried to develop the Much Better World through the sword. So many in history ended up being burned at the stake! Others tried to develop the Much Better World through revolution, through the hands, through the body! But their bodies were done away with! Others […]
August 17, 1981
Have you ever asked yourself which is better, a vegetable or a man? Have you ever asked yourself that? Think about it: which one is better, a vegetable or a man? What do vegetables do to harm Nature? Nothing. “Yes, but the vegetable is omissive,” someone might say. No. The vegetable stays still and man […]
August 14, 1981
Imagine that our body is made up of a lot of little lights, tuners, emitters, and transmitters with different frequencies. Imagine this bunch of points in your body, and in those of others, as well. As you train, do mental exercises, you gradually place all this in a certain band, you gradually harmonize yourself. There is an […]
August 11, 1981
If the prejudices of a Collective Mind corrupted by selfishness have been eliminated from your mind. If the concepts of Truth present themselves to you naked as a statue of Purity. If the path to follow is already one, because it is really one. If courage is present in your mind, PRÓ-VIDA will have fulfilled […]
August 10, 1981
Speech given by Dr. Celso Charuri after speaking to his daughter on her birthday. Birthday, representation of the Ideal. Nativity. Rebirth. The end of a yearly cycle. New beginning. As I congratulate someone on their birthday, I recognize their existence as a being. As I do this, unconsciously, I make myself recognized. Someone only exists […]
August 7, 1981
We want to be those who pass upon the world and help our neighbors. Dedicate ourselves. We’re fine, and it’s not selfishness on our part to say this, because our doors are open. What is important is that a new race will form, and a new race isn’t formed by imposition, but with the individual […]
August 5, 1981
Once again, what is written in the “Great Man” text has been proven to us: what he has doesn’t matter to us; what matters is what he is. The feeling of freedom and security that this confers is so strong! How I’d like for all of you to be able to feel this: the greatness […]