Ten Years of PRÓ-VIDA in the USA

Ten Years of PRÓ-VIDA in the USA


It was the night of August 8, 2011 when PRÓ-VIDA started the first Basic Week in New York City. It was the beginning of a story that turned ten years old just over a month ago. The group of 40 people that participated in this first activity has grown, and today there are PRÓ-VIDA members in many American states.

A meeting point was established by the participants in 2013, in Manhattan. At that time, some of the people lived near the place, but more than half of the friends lived in other regions. With the temporary closure of physical spaces due to the pandemic, in 2020, there was an expansion of activities to the digital medium. Thus, those who lived in distant points on the map began to meet online, to have contact and to participate more in the digital activities offered by PRÓ-VIDA in the English language.

In the process, the friends discovered PRÓ-VIDA participants spread not only across the USA, but in many other English-speaking countries. A real network began to form, integration was established. And this movement is only growing, welcoming people from different backgrounds speaking the same language in a country known for thriving in a coexistence between different people and differences.

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