Superimposed impressions build an idea


Superimposed impressions build an idea

A sure companion of the human species are the creases of one’s own fingerprints. A mark that has accompanied humanity since the first unfoldings of life, in gestation. Soft indentations and protrusions of the skin that distinguish individuals, marking each one in a delicate way, elegantly showing us how unique we are.

These creases and convexities, through contact, mark the deeds in each act, silently allowing the recognition of what is touched, what touches us, with what intention and what were the consequences… But it is necessary to want to observe in order to enlarge.

A being is recognized by observing their actions and works. And it is through these marks of example – the impressions more than fingerprints of Dr. Celso Charuri, conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA – that many collaborators have been recognizing every day the importance of giving oneself to others, a mark that imprints the great ideal of building a fairer and better world for all.

It is for this ideal that, on this June 11, we celebrate the life of the one who, by the example of being, touched many – maybe thousands – with the fingerprint of love, Dr. Celso Charuri.

Inspired by the mark of hope in building a better world left by Dr. Celso, thousands of PRÓ-VIDA participants gathered at the donation ceremonies held by the Centrais do Dízimo PRÓ-VIDA (Centers for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA) located in Argentina, Bolívia, Brazil, Chile and Italy. The events were attended by representatives of the 105 benefited institutions and were a way to pay homage to the birthday of Dr. Celso Charuri, imitating the gesture he made 43 years ago.

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