Organic Gold

Organic Gold


It was on December 24, 1968 – Christmas Eve – that the Apollo 8 astronauts, while on a manned mission to orbit the Moon, took one of the most important photographs in history, almost by chance. Earth rising on the horizon. Man went into space for the first time and from there saw his dwelling from an unexpected perspective to humanity.

The photo was named “Earthrise”. Those who pay attention will notice that the name has a double meaning: it refers to the emerging of the celestial body on the horizon, and also to the dawning of a new comprehension of the planet as our home.

The image quickly became popular and people had a more tangible glimpse of what Great Minds repeatedly said over time: we are brothers!

All of those imaginary lines artificially created which were called countries, states, cities, neighborhoods are in fact mere abstractions that create division but do not actually exist. They are human creations. The logical conclusion was: we all inhabit the same dwelling. From a cosmic perspective, we are all one!

Based on this perspective, a new ecological mentality emerged in the beginning of the 70s challenging the belief – among other things – that it is possible to get rid of all the trash we produce when we take it outside.

From the Earth perspective, there is no such thing as taking the trash outside. Because there is no outside.

Man begins, then, to search for ways to harmonize with the planet, given the respect brought by this new comprehension of one’s place in space and time. Blending his knowledge with new technologies, he strives to see other facets and ways to deal with the matter that most people classify as “trash”.

Where one would previously see only “food scraps”, “leftovers”, now one can see the potential of raw material that can be transformed into compost, which has great value, even monetary value. Every uneaten food item which would have been wasted now has a new, noble, useful function.

So noble that this material was called “organic gold” in the “Zero Trash project”, implemented at the Clube PRÓ-VIDA in Araçoiaba. The Project aims to close the cycle of matter, reducing the volume of waste that is sent to landfills to almost zero, through the following fronts: composting, selective collection, waste disposal, bio-digestion and environmental education.

This set of actions, aimed at better use of the planet’s existing resources and those generated by man, are manifestations of a being whose awareness is expanded to recognize that it is an integral part of nature.

The organic gold is obtained through composting, the biological process in which microorganisms transform organic matter (such as leaves, twigs, food scraps, when properly separated) into a material similar to soil that is called compost. 

Compost is used as a natural fertilizer in organic vegetable gardens, flower gardens and in several areas of the club in Araçoiaba, for example.

By proposing to properly discard and reintegrate all those elements into the cycle of life in a sustainable way, it is possible to change old habits based on a new reason that has been presented and can be actioned through free will.

As in alchemy, the metal despised by the common man has in itself all the potential to be the raw material that an alchemist would change into gold. It is the same material. But could the alchemist perform the great work without having changed himself first? Not likely.

Man also, as he does not recognize the potential of the gold he has inside, wastes part of his time and energy seeking satisfaction in the branches that can only be found in the roots. He aims to perform great works but not small tasks … such as separating the trash. As this quote attributed to Confucius says:

“Between the little things we do not do and the great things we cannot do, there is the danger of doing nothing.”

Trash? Scraps? Leftovers? … or organic matter?

Just like beauty, maybe the answer is in the eye of the beholder and in each one’s decision to action this knowledge and make it useful.

The food item that was not eaten can become trash and remain in decomposition on a landfill with other substances such as plastic for hundreds of years, wasting its value and potential; or can be properly discarded in order to be reintegrated and potentialized into the cycle of nature, which is wise and economical. This material, which is alive and has something that goes beyond its chemistry, will soon become food again, with even more energetic power.

We invite you to take another look at what the collective mind calls trash. Look again. What do you see?

Organic matter cycle: turning trash into gold.

Picture of Our Movement

Our Movement

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Hello !

Welcome to the internal Home Page of the PRÓ-VIDA website. In this environment you will find information about our movement, such as the activities calendar, news and content that may be of interest to you.

Where to find the activities?

You will find the activities calendar right at the top of the home page and, to see all the available activities, just click on “See full calendar”.

The activities are organized by language, time zone, modality (in person, online, or remote in-center), and categories:

  • BAS, AV1 and INT weeks
  • Exercises and Training
  • Lectures and Talks
  • Advanced Levels
  • CGD (General Center for the Tithe)
  • Departments

What activities can I participate in?

You will be able to participate in all available activities, according to your level. They are identified in the calendar by a stripe with the color of the level, on the left side of the activity name.

Basic Level

Every Monday, online Basic Level activities are available. They are offered in four languages ​​(Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English) and different time zones.

In addition, starting at the Basic Level, you will be able to participate in all the activities identified with the following colors:

Weeks, lectures and exercises aimed at participants from the Basic Level and up.

Here you can find activities such as Keeping in Touch, celebrations, and ceremonies.

Activities carried out by PRÓ-VIDA Departments, such as lectures, presentations and studies.

Check the calendar for upcoming activities and check their times.

Advanced 1​ Level

Activities for the Advanced 1 Level and up are also available for those who have completed that level

Weeks, lectures, exercises and talks for participants from Advanced 1 Level and up.

Introduction Level

For those at the Introduction Level, also the following activities are available:

Weeks, lectures, exercises, and talks for participants from the Introduction Level and up.

Activity for all PRÓ-VIDA participants, starting at the Introduction Level.

Advanced 2SC Level

From Advanced 2 Level and up, the following activities are also available:

Weeks, lectures, exercises and talks for participants from the Advanced 2SC Level and up.

How to browse the site?

Navigate through the pages and contents of the site by clicking the links on the top golden bar or the “hamburger button” (≡), located in the upper left corner.

In addition to content and articles on various topics, you will be able to access some important areas for your participation in the activities:

Online Activities: It’s the place where you will access the activities that will be transmitted in the online modality.

Participant’s Area: It gathers information about your registration and your level in PRÓ-VIDA.

Need help?

If you need help, or to clarify any questions, contact our support by e-mail:

Modalities of PRÓ-VIDA activities


Presenter in-center

Participants in-center

This is a live activity carried out in one of the PRÓ-VIDA Centers with both the presenter and the enrolled participants attending in-person.

Remote in-center

Remote presenter

Participants in-center

The activity is transmitted live from one of the PRÓ-VIDA studios to several Centers where the participants are attending in-person. It allows the presenter and the participants to interact despite the fact that the presenter is in a remote location. 


Online presenter

Online participants

The activity is transmitted live from one of the PRÓ-VIDA studios and enables interaction between participants and the presenter in a virtual environment.

To learn more about the modalities, talk to a PRÓ-VIDA representative by chat or email (for Brazil residents) or (for residents in other countries).





Semana de Avançado 1


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.





Semana de Introdução


It will be transmitted in the following language ​​and times:


Monday to Friday

at 8:30 p.m.*

Time Zone: (UTC-03:00) Brasilia

*The activity lasts approximately 3 hours.

To find out how to participate, click below.

No registrations will be made on the weekend before the activity, or in the week it takes place.





Semana de Avançado 1


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.





Semana de Básico


Será transmitido nos idiomas e horários locais:


Segunda a sexta-feira

às 20h30*


às 14h30*


às 10h00*

Hora de São Paulo

*A atividade tem duração aproximada de 3 horas.

Para saber como participar, clique abaixo.

*Para repetição oficial, participantes que estão retornando ou em R.A., em breve mais informações.

Requisitos técnicos indispensáveis

Gostaríamos de informar que, para a participação no Básico on-line, são indispensáveis os seguintes requisitos mínimos:

Computador (Windows/Mac)

Computador com câmera integrada ou conectada por entrada USB.

As atividades não poderão ser assistidas por nenhum outro dispositivo, tais como celulares, smartphones e tablets ou computadores com outros sistemas operacionais.

Especificações e Sistema Operacional

• Processador: Intel Core i3, i5 e i7 – 3100 Series , ou superior.

• Memória RAM: 4GB, ou superior.

• Sistema Operacional:

• Windows 7 com todas as atualizações, ou versão superior (somente 64 bits).

• MacOS 10.15 Catalina, ou versão superior.

Verifique as configurações de seu computador Windows clicando aqui.

Como verificar suas especificações no Mac? Clique aqui.

Fones de ouvido com microfone (headset)

Modelos homologados para uso com nossa plataforma.

Consulte a lista de headsets homologados:


Banda larga com conexão estável, com no mínimo 10MB de download e 4MB de upload.

Como verificar sua banda de internet? Clique aqui para testa-la.

* Os requisitos técnicos poderão ser atualizados. Acompanhe aqui eventuais alterações.

Fones de ouvido homologados





Quiet Comfort 35 Stereo

USB e Bluetooth


Pro Stereo Headset UC150



BLZ 2400 II



Evolve 20 MS



Evolve 75

USB e Bluetooth


UC Voice 550a MS Mono



Everest Elite 750NC Stereo



Headset H390



Stereo H650e



LifeChat LX-3000



LifeChat LX-6000



Blackwire 320



Blackwire 3220 Series



Blackwire C220



Audio 628 USB



USBC Headset






Headset Pulse 7.1





Atualização: 11.06.2021

Regras de conduta para prevenção da COVID-19

Uso de Máscaras

Cobrindo a boca e o nariz. Usar o tempo todo.
Evitar tocar a boca, o nariz e os olhos.


Mínimo de 2 metros


Lavar frequentemente ou higienizar com álcool em gel.

Etiqueta Respiratória

Ao espirrar ou tossir, proteger a boca e o nariz com o cotovelo, ou usar lenço descartável.


Se apresentar sintomas, ficar em casa e buscar atendimento médico.