Basic week in the time zone of Sydney, Australia

Basic week in the time zone of Sydney, Australia


Registration is open for the Online Basic Week which will be held, for the first time, in the time zone of Sidney, Australia. Aimed at those interested in joining the PRÓ-VIDA training and mental development program, the activity will be in English, between September 26 and October 2. For more information and registration, click here.

Since the first Basic Week in the online format was launched, in July of last year, PRÓ-VIDA has sought to offer it in ways that allow the participation of people anywhere in the world. Currently, the activity takes place, besides English, in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian and in different time zones.

The Basic Week is also held in person, at one of PRÓ-VIDA’s Centers around the world, and in the remote in-center format. To learn more, click here.

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