Joint effort benefits 43 institutions around the world


Joint effort benefits 43 institutions around the world

Five donation ceremonies were held in the month of June by the General Center for the Tithe (CGD-PV) and its affiliates in Brazil and by the Centers for the Tithe of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Italy. The joint effort benefited 43 entities and was an homage to the creator and founder of PRÓ-VIDA, Dr. Celso Charuri, during the month his birthday is celebrated (on the 11th). Two representatives from PRÓ-VIDA and representatives from the institutions participated in each of the ceremonies, which were transmitted online.

Vehicles, hospital equipment for highly complex procedures and ICUs, laundry and industrial kitchen equipment, electrical generator, as well as hundreds of computers and technology equipment, items for gardening and construction supplies were donated to schools, hospitals, health centers, institutions that care for people with specific needs and other philanthropic and charitable entities.

“May today’s date be marked by the example that we want to set, example of the true call for hope. There is the possibility of ‘being’ in a world that only thinks of ‘having’.”

Mauro Cavalli, one of PRÓ-VIDA’s directors

The PRÓ-VIDA Centers for the Tithe have been making donations such as these for more than 40 years. Why? “Those who have, give to those who do not have”.  Dr. Celso demonstrated this, and inspired thousands of people. As people develop their mind, they can expand their consciousness and naturally recognize the possibility of having a better life not only for themselves but for everyone. A feeling of responsibility is born.

The representatives from the centers recalled that the first donation was made by Dr. Celso in 1979 in Brazil. Since then, more than 12 thousand donations have been made and 13 vocational schools have been built. As has been said, these donations will not definitively solve the difficulties these institutions face, but they are the example of what someone with an expanded consciousness is capable of doing: to build a Much Better World.


The ceremony was held on June 12 at the PRÓ-VIDA headquarters in São Paulo, benefiting 23 charitable hospitals.

“In these difficult times of pandemic, with so much sadness, we saw in you a hope of being able to help, of being able to give (…). (The institutions will be able) to serve and multiply the help for many people.”

Cecilia Del Pilar Castro Stout, of Santa Casa de Misericordia of Andradas (in Minas Gerais)

“Be sure that you are bringing hope, comfort and peace to these people (in need) all over Brazil. Our gratitude is eternal.”

Fernando Alvarenga, CEO of the charitable hospital Santa Casa de São Sebastião do Paraíso (in Minas Gerais)


The ceremony was held on June 19 at the PRÓ-VIDA center in Santiago de Chile. A day care received donations.

“May your work continue to touch hearts in other parts of the world.”

Pablo Valenzuela, president of Hogar de Niñas Las Creches


The ceremony was held on June 20 at the PRÓ-VIDA center in Coronel Dorrego. Eight institutions received donations.

“(I quote) the message of Mother Theresa of Calcutta who says that love cannot remain still in itself, it doesn’t make sense, love has to be put into practice and this is exactly what is happening right now (…)”

Susana Beatriz Laiolo, president of Asociación Padres de Familia y Esperanza (APFE)


The ceremony was held on June 26 in Milan.  Seven institutions in Italy and one in India received donations. The event was simultaneously interpreted into English so that the representatives of the Indian institution could follow the ceremony, as well as into sign language in order to be followed by the president and other representatives of the National Agency for the Protection and Assistance to the Deaf, one of the institutions that received donations.

The bishop Monsignor Orazio Francesco Piazza, representing Caritas di Sessa Aurunca, referred to the action of the Center for the Tithe as a manifestation of love that transforms itself into real help.

The representative from Sky Watchers’ Association of North Bengala, Debasis Sakar, describing the mission of his association, spoke about an important concept: watching the sky led them to become sensitive and take care of those who inhabit the Earth.

“It’s fantastic to be recognized as worthy.”

Maria Rosa Sabella, of Associação Caminhando Juntos de Varese


The ceremony was held on June 27 at the PRÓ-VIDA center in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Three institutions received donations.

“I dare say with total satisfaction that the Lord is present through the people and I want to say something that is very strong for us because your action is guided by what Jesus did at the Last Supper. (…) says the Gospel according to John (…) “I have set an example, you should do as I have done’. I believe that all these donations, these activities (…) I believe that yes, it is the example of that.”

Sister Fernanda Surubí Yovío, representative of the Congregação Hermanas Franciscanas Hallén.