In Argentina and Brazil, 55 institutions receive donations


In Argentina and Brazil, 55 institutions receive donations

Is it possible for a world to exist where people with all their differences can live together in harmony? Dr. Celso Charuri showed that it is. In fact, he dedicated his life to giving an example of the path to what he called a Much Better World. And the path involves helping your neighbor. It’s a simple idea: “Those who have give to those who don’t,” he said.

For him, people create the environment where they live and not the other way around. Therefore, each person can transform the environment starting with themselves. To help this process, Dr. Celso developed a program that develops the potential of the mind, leading to expanded consciousness, and happiness.

“Why train the mind? Because as long as (human beings) don’t overcome their selfish mindset and delve into themselves, they will not discover the universe that exists outside, they will be stuck. They must discover it, then go beyond themselves, their cities, their countries, and the whole planet. And within themselves, a feeling of responsibility arises for everything and everyone around them. And for us, following this method taught by Dr. Celso, it became clear that we had to do something,” said one of the directors for PRÓ-VIDA, Felipe Salgado, in the Donation Ceremony of CGD-PV (General Center for the Tithe – PRÓ-VIDA) that took place at the PRÓ-VIDA Club in Araçoiaba da Serra, São Paulo, Brazil, on September 30.

Over 9,000 people attended the Donation Ceremony, including public authorities and representatives of the 51 beneficiaries from different Brazilian states. On behalf of the institutions, Anderson Jociel da Rosa, of the Volunteer Firefighters Association of São Sebastião do Caí (RS), said, “Thousands of people will benefit, directly and indirectly, and we are committed to honoring every principle that PRÓ-VIDA has, to do good, to give back to our communities what we receive.”

There were other four beneficiaries in Argentina. Donations included musical instruments for an orchestra, baby formula, and other items donated by the Central del Diezmo de Buenos Aires (Center for the Tithe of Buenos Aires). The Ceremony took place on September 16, at a school located in Vicente López, in the metropolitan region of the capital of Argentina.

“We established that this House is built in community and seeing all this is community, so thank you for being part of this community and for helping us give warmth to these children who need it so much,” said María Lydia Plyauzer, representative of Hogar Sagrada Família de Belén, one of the beneficiaries.

Actions like these are carried out by CGD-PV and its affiliates in Brazil, as well as the Centers for the Tithe of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Italy, and Portugal, following Dr. Celso Charuri’s example, who did the first donation 44 years ago. This gesture doesn’t seek to solve all the institutions’ problems, but to give an example of how it is possible to achieve a world that is good for everyone, as Fernando Appel said on behalf of Central del Diezmo de Buenos Aires: “Man, human beings, are going to feel truly free and integrated the day their minds awaken.”

The next donation ceremony will be held by the Central do Dízimo da Itália (Center for the Tithe of Italy) on October 28, in Verona.

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