Donation in Mendoza


Donation in Mendoza

On Saturday, August 28, the PRÓ-VIDA Club in Mendoza was the setting for a donation that benefited two charities from that province in Argentina, two from the neighboring province of San Juan, a charity from Salta and another from Neuquén.

“Work is the foundation of love, that is why we do what we do.”

Ricardo Videla – representative of  PRÓ-VIDA

On the 23rd anniversary of PRÓ-VIDA in the city of Mendoza, Sandra Arguello began the ceremony by thanking friends and the charities present there for the opportunity, to celebrate with a donation.

“Thanks (…) for making a commitment with us in search of a more humane world, where solidarity and hope may be the engine of everyday life”, said Mrs. Susana Aneas from the group Mother Theresa of Calcutta of Manos Abiertas Foundation.

Sandra Arguello
Susana Aneas

And in the same tune, Ricardo Videla spoke on behalf of PRÓ-VIDA: “I believe that at this moment your goals commune with ours, creating a common union, a communion, because when your forces join ours, they turn into a single force”.

Since the first donation made in Buenos Aires in 1997, the Central del Diezmo (Center for the Tithe) PRÓ-VIDA of Argentina and its affiliate in Mendoza represent, in that country, the work of Central Geral do Dízimo (General Center for the Tithe), founded by Dr. Celso Charuri more than 40 years ago, and the flagship of the PRÓ-VIDA movement, which brings hope that the dream of a better world for all will become a reality… a more humane world.

And the speaker concluded, “Today we are reaching the five continents with donations, we have no borders (…) we’re going to work tirelessly so that this immaculate white flag is on the entire planet”.