Donation benefits institutions in Argentina


Donation benefits institutions in Argentina

The PRÓ-VIDA Club in Baradero, Argentina, opened its doors on Saturday, November 6 to receive many participants, institutions and guests who traveled there to attend a new donation ceremony. Eight entities from different parts of the country benefited from the donations. The gathering was conducted according to regulations as set by local authorities.

“(…) and, through that expansion of consciousness, the meaning of what our neighbor is widens.”

Daniel Moreno

Carolina Córdoba introduced all of the entities. Then she explained that the Central del Diezmo PRÓ-VIDA of Buenos Aires, the event organizer, continues in Argentina the noble work started in Brazil by the Central Geral do Dízimo, founded by Dr. Celso Charuri in 1979. The aim of the Central Geral do Dízimo is to collaborate with men of good will so that they can continue their work towards the advancement, appreciation and recovery of the human being.

Words of gratitude followed Carolina’s reading of the detailed list of all approved material goods to be donated to each entity. Thus, Mrs. Hermelinda Maidana, institutional director of the civil organization `Luchemos por Ellos´ said: “Outside, a lot of importance is given to material things, to economics, but here you think about humanity, about our neighbor, about the human being (…) and today I find myself surrounded with so much love, so much affection.”

The event was held outdoors and participants from Mendoza, Coronel Dorrego, Buenos Aires, Pilar, Tres Arroyos, Cholila (province of Chubut), and even Bolivia were present.

Minutes later, Dr. Mariel Andrea Camiletti, Chief of Obstetrics Services of the Mother and Child Division at Vélez Sarsfield Hospital of Buenos Aires city, said that receiving the longed for ultrasound scanner was not due to mere chance, and that the donation would let them materialize a project of great utility for the maternity ward. “This motivates us to continue working to serve others,” she explained.

When Daniel Moreno spoke on behalf of PRÓ-VIDA, he told the audience: “We had the privilege of knowing Dr. Celso Charuri, who led us by the hand to being able to broaden our minds and, through that expansion of consciousness, the meaning of what our neighbor is widens.”

“We are all one, and the well-being of one cannot be separated from that of the others,”
said Dr. Mariel Andrea Camiletti.

In that process of recognizing the other and helping them at the point they need to be happy, everyone has the opportunity to feel useful and experience the pleasure of giving happiness. A kind of formula, and we want this formula “to be part of this whole universe so that everyone can be happy.”, said Daniel.