Donation benefits 50 institutions in Brazil


Donation benefits 50 institutions in Brazil

Central Geral do Dízimo – PRÓ-VIDA (CGD-PV / General Center for the Tithe – PRÓ-VIDA) and its affiliates held, on August 14, a donation which served 50 charitable and philanthropic institutions in Brazil. The ceremony took place in PRÓ-VIDA’s Headquarters in São Paulo, with the presence of representatives of CGD-PV and two of the benefited institutions. The representatives of the other entities and many other people accompanied the event by on-line transmission.

“We’ve already served various entities in Brazil and in other countries in South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Wherever we have passed, questions are always common: ‘Who are you, why do you do what you do?’ (We do this) To give the example that the construction of the Much Better World is possible, as a result of the action of beings with an expanded consciousness”.

Jansen Tregier – representative of CGD-PV.

Items donated will support the work of institutions that serve 54 thousand children, youth, elderly and people with specific needs. It’s a joint action of PRÓ-VIDA participants that’s been repeated for 41 years and which, as has been said, gives continuity to the work of the creator and founder Dr. Celso Charuri. It was he who created and performed the first CGD-PV donation, held on September 8, 1979, with the purpose that goes beyond supporting the institutions, and gives an example of how it is possible to transform the environment we live in.

Among the donations were: nine vehicles, ventilators, incubators and other items to modernize and equip surgical centers; wheel chairs, ergonomic bicycles and other products for physiotherapy service; and items for professional training courses, including 140 musical instruments. Technological, recreational, sporting and pedagogical equipment were also delivered, as well as furniture and construction materials.

The representatives of the institutions gave thanks for the donations. “The gesture of love is what really promotes life.”, said Maria Regina Redondo, representing the Associação Beneficente Parsifal (São Paulo).  The representative of Apraespi (City of Ribeirao Pires – SP), Lair Moura Sala Malavila Jucevicius, commented that she has followed the donations from CGD-PV for years. “It’s happiness after happiness, what PRÓ-VIDA does. I want to say thank you very, very much, from the heart, to all the disciples of Dr. Celso, who left a legacy for humanity.”