Donation at the PRÓ-VIDA Club of Baradero


Donation at the PRÓ-VIDA Club of Baradero

Twenty institutions from different provinces of Argentina were benefited in a new Donation Ceremony of the Central del Diezmo de Buenos Aires (Center for the Tithe of Buenos Aires), which took place at the PRÓ-VIDA Club of Baradero on Saturday, March 26 and was transmitted online the following day. The donation is an action that many countries have been replicating for more than forty years, since Dr. Celso Charuri, conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA, made the first donation in the city of Birigui, Sao Paulo state, Brazil.

On this occasion, one of the most significant ones in Argentina in terms of the amount of goods donated and beneficiaries, a large amount of construction materials and equipment were delivered, such as cooking ranges, refrigerators, ovens, air conditioners, computers, printers, projectors, etc. Also donated were protective suits for forest fires, more than 12,000 liters of milk for Fundación Banco de Alimentos (Food Bank Foundation) and a variety of musical instruments and accessories for underprivileged children at a music school.

“We do not want to leave the example of the material aspect, we want to leave the example of how to be happy…,” 

said Ricardo Videla when he spoke on behalf of the Central del Diezmo de Buenos Aires.

Visibly moved, Mrs. Coralia Spilimbergo, from Hogar del Niño de Salto, who spoke on behalf of all the entities that followed the transmission of the event through digital media, summarized: “We all have the same purpose, which is to give, our objective is to give in order to change the reality of a child, a young person, an adult.”

Later on, Celeste Jerez, representing “Identidad: Programa Minnesota” association, said that they have been working for 25 years with the message that, despite everything, we can always stand up and lend a hand to a colleague: “(With) the expansion of the human being we can do something, we can make a difference in the lives of many people.”

For her part, the director of Music School No. 2 of School District 18, María de los Ángeles Valladares, referred to the responsibility that this donation implied for them: “We also have to be responsible for all this we are receiving to transmit and teach this (…) giving. It is an enormous act of love and the children must be taught acts of love.”

“We do not want to leave the example of the material aspect, we want to leave the example of how to be happy…,” said Ricardo Videla when he spoke on behalf of the Central del Diezmo de Buenos Aires. “He who feels that it is good to participate will perhaps manage to leave a mark within himself, which will distinguish him forever, because the soul lives eternal delights when it discovers that the source of happiness is in itself, it is to give happiness.”