Donation at PRÓ-VIDA Club in Arataba, Brazil


Donation at PRÓ-VIDA Club in Arataba, Brazil

It was in one of the places created with the objective of being an opportunity to be together, studying and practicing PRO-VIDA’s teachings that, once more, an act of helping others was seen. The PRO-VIDA club in Arataba, in the city of Corumbataí, São Paulo state (Brazil) hosted, on September 24, the Donation Ceremony of CGD-PV (Central Geral do Dízimo) (General Center for the Tithe) and its affiliates in Brazil. The action benefited 14 charitable institutions and aimed to give an example of how it’s possible to build a better world

A better world that will be born from better people, as José Newton Beretta, representative of CGD-PV, showed, quoting the teachings of Dr. Celso Charuri, conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA: “We searched for happiness and self-realization through material (…) and Dr. Celso, knowing human nature, showed us that we have a powerful mind (…) and explained to us that happiness and self-realization couldn’t be achieved only through having, something else was needed: being.”

With a more expanded consciousness, naturally, people begin to see others. What to do, then? The path is in a simple teaching given by Dr. Celso: “the one who has, gives to those who do not have.”

“Why these feelings of joy and happiness that take place today and in all our donations, and why do we do this? It’s because we understand and recognize that this is a truth and we do what we understand as duty and, at the same time, we are giving an example that a better man, evolved (…), can transform the environment and make a better one (…). Happiness can only be achieved by those who give happiness”, said Bereta.


The fourteen charitable institutions based in the state of São Paulo were given a total of 14 vehicles for transportation of those they assist and transportation of objects necessary for the fulfillment of their activities.

Visibly moved, Jacira Jacinto da Silva, representative of Fundação Casa Aberta, who spoke on behalf of the institutions, emphasized the learning she had had by living the process with CGD-PV. “We didn’t come here just to receive a prize, a donation, but we came here to learn a little more, to receive the seed of a huge tree that was once planted by Dr. Celso Charuri (…). All of us here want a Much Better World and we want to add ourselves to this immense, wonderful cause.”

Donations like this one have been held since 1979, when Dr. Celso founded CGD-PV.  Today, the centers are located in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Italy. Together, they have already made over 12 thousand donations all over the world, in addition to the construction of 14 vocational schools.  “Our thanks could not only be in thanking you. To express this feeling, there’s nothing better than to give continuity to the work begun by Dr. Celso Charuri”, said Sandra Prado, who read the Donation Letter.

Dr. Celso Charuri Road

On the same day,  the sign of the road  that leads to the Arataba Club was inaugurated, and was named after the conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA. “Today we see the road Dr. Celso Charuri (…); it represents to us the path that leads us to something really great”, said Esaú Cordeiro, one of PRÓ-VIDA’s directors.

The Vice Mayor of Corumbataí, João Batista Altarugio Filho, participated in the act of unveiling the plaque. He thanked PRÓ-VIDA and emphasized the relevance of the club to the city, especially in the generation of jobs.

The PRÓ-VIDA Club in Arataba is one of the nine clubs founded by the participants of the movement inspired by the idea proposed by Dr. Celso. Various leisure, cultural and sports activities, among others, are carried out in them, as well as the practice of the mental training and development program. Click here to know more.