Donated to Senai in Londrina, Brazil, the 15th Dr. Celso Charuri School

Donated to Senai in Londrina, Brazil, the 15th Dr. Celso Charuri School


Another milestone of the project for the construction and donation of the Dr. Celso Charuri Vocational Schools was celebrated: the 15th unit, which was officially handed over to Senai (National Service for Industrial Learning) – one of the largest vocational education complexes in the world – in Londrina, state of Paraná, Brazil. The donation ceremony was held on August 17, 2024.

The schools project is inspired by Dr. Celso’s idea of creating opportunities for young people to learn a profession, improve their lives and the lives of their families, as well as contribute to society. However, no matter how much the school helps transform the environment, it and the other donations made by the General Center for the Tithe – PRÓ-VIDA (CGD-PV) to charitable institutions over the past 44 years will not solve all of society’s problems. New needs will arise. Many may wonder: then, why donate? Is there a definitive solution to achieving a good world for everyone?

Dr. Celso Charuri showed that the real change happens starting within each individual. A better person has better conduct, and this action is what changes the environment and makes it happier. It was based on this postulate, explained Ariovaldo Aprikian, representative of the CGD-PV, that Dr. Celso conceived and founded PRÓ-VIDA, a philosophical movement “that proposes the study and development of the mind so that those with an expanded mind can look at society, look at the world, look at their fellow human beings, and recognize that it is the duty of each one of us to provide opportunities for everyone to live in peace,” he said.

As Dr. Celso taught: “those who have give to those who don’t.” And he not only said this but set an example of this path and marked it with a gesture, the foundation of the CGD-PV in 1979, and the first donation. Inspired by his example, donations have been made ever since.

Currently, in addition to the CGD-PV and its 24 affiliates in Brazil, there are Centers for the Tithe in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Italy, and Portugal. Altogether, they have independently made donations to more than 13,000 charitable institutions using resources from voluntary, optional, and anonymous deposits, entirely allocated to the purchase of goods and materials and also to the construction of Vocational Schools.

The school

The agreement for the construction of the Centro de Formação Profissional Dr. Celso Charuri – Senai of Londrina was signed on December 6, 2021. Project evaluations and technical and financial feasibility studies were conducted. The entire construction was carried out by the CGD-PV and its affiliates in Brazil, which also donated items of furniture.

Land: 6,814.14 m²
Built-up area: 7,673.13 m²

Three interconnected blocks, with a ground floor and three more floors, plus a gatehouse, technical areas, reservoirs, and a roof

Modern construction standards and methods that prioritize sustainability and accessibility

Education focused on IT and technology

Capacity for 3,000 students per year

Includes an auditorium, classrooms, laboratories, library, and other facilities

The management of the school and the provision of courses, training, and services are a responsibility of Senai. The activities to be developed there are expected to contribute to the development of industry and generate changes in the community. According to the president of Fiep (Federation of the Industries of the State of Paraná), Edson Vasconcelos, “this unit will serve not only the municipality but the entire region, the state of Paraná, and other states. It will be a reference, when we talk about certain activities here, for Brazil.”

According to Fiep, the Center will house the Artificial Intelligence HUB, which will focus on developing solutions to meet the demands of industries. The school will offer opportunities for software development, robotics, electronics, virtual and augmented reality, the Internet of Things, and industrial automation.

There will be technical, advanced, and qualification courses in Automation, Management, Occupational Safety, and IT; higher education courses in the areas of Technology in Industrial Automation, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Software Engineering; and graduate courses in Industrial Automation Engineering, Industrial Maintenance, Lean Design and Manufacturing, and Applied Artificial Intelligence in Business.

More information can be found on the Fiep website (content available only in Portuguese).

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