Argentina, Brazil and Italy host donation ceremonies in May


Argentina, Brazil and Italy host donation ceremonies in May

This May, the Centers for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA in Argentina, Brazil and Italy held three donation ceremonies. In total, 33 philanthropic institutions of the 3 countries were benefited. The initiative aims to help the institutions to continue their work in favor of the community and, mainly, it intends to show that the simple gesture of giving is strong enough to change the world.

“Many people believe that happiness is in having: having power, having money, having dominance over people. That makes society the way it is. But Dr. Celso showed us another possibility, different from everything we see out there and that meets the interest that everyone has, consciously or unconsciously: a better life, of happiness and peace. And when we realized this, we never stopped,” said Fábio Monteiro, representing CGD-PV (Central Geral do Dízimo PRÓ-VIDA – General Center for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA) at the ceremony held in Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) on May 6.

What Dr. Celso showed us was something simple: “those who have greater capacity use this capacity to help those who don’t have as much”, said Allan Hollender, representing Central del Diezmo de Buenos Aires, Argentina (Center for the Tithe of Buenos Aires, Argentina) at the ceremony held in Coronel Dorrego, on May 20. It’s a generous law that has been guiding the action at the Centers for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA for 43 years, since the first donation carried out by the founder of the Movement.

The ceremonies had participation of representatives of the institutions. “I want to thank you, representatives of the associations, because it is thanks to you that we feel (…) the pleasure that comes from doing what for us is duty, which is to do our part to build a better world,” said Paolo Cefariello, representative of Centrale delle Decime d’Italia (Center for the Tithe of Italy), at the ceremony in Verona on May 6.

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