A better world, starting from each one


A better world, starting from each one

“The one who has, gives to those who do not have,” showed the conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA, Dr. Celso Charuri, indicating a way to build a better world. An idea that, once again, was manifested through an act, that of giving. On August 13, two simultaneous ceremonies were held at the Central Geral do Dízimo – CGD-PV (General Center for the Tithe PRÓ-VIDA) and its affiliates in Brazil, one at PRÓ-VIDA’s Headquarters in the city of São Paulo, and another at the PRÓ-VIDA Center in the city of Jaú, both in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Thousands of items were donated to charitable institutions with the objective of setting an example that a more just and brotherly society is possible from the action of each one. When a person develops their mind and expands their consciousness, they naturally begin to realize who is in their surroundings, then society, the country, the world, and they feel responsible for this environment, said Ariovaldo Aprikian, representing CGD-PV at the event at the Headquarters, which was transmitted live online.

“(…) when a better man has an attitude of courage, an attitude that has wisdom itself within, they are able to change the world, because this man has been modified and builds a new world on this world that despairs.”

Ariovaldo Aprikian representing CGD-PV at the Headquarters.

The celebrations benefited 93 philanthropic institutions based in 18 Brazilian states, directly benefiting 37,000 people. Donations like these have been made since 1979, when Dr. Celso Charuri founded the CGD-PV, as Adriano Pagnone said, representing CGD-PV at the event in Jaú. 

“(…) we do not do all this just to give material goods, but mainly to give the example that a man, with an expanded consciousness, can build a much better world: a much better world within themselves, and a much better world within all those surrounding them.”

Adriano Pagnone, representing CGD-PV at the Center in Jaú.

The institutions

Among the items donated to the institutions were vehicles, appliances, industrial, computer and health equipment, as well as building, recreational, sports, educational, gardening, sewing and crafts materials. The representatives of these organizations were present at the ceremonies.

“I believe in the power of action. (…) If each of us does a part of what is being done here today (…) we will certainly make the world better every day,” said Valmir da Silva, from APAE de Massaranduba, in Santa Catarina, during the event at the Central Headquarters, representing the institutions.

This ceremony was also attended by Ana Maria Damasceno Barbosa, representative of the Associação Beneficente Lar da Criança Sant’Ana III, from Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo. Speaking on behalf of the organizations, Ana Maria highlighted that donations “renew hope” and will help institutions to continue developing quality work.

This same aspect was highlighted by Sister Rosane Maria Rauber, from the Associação Educacional Escolápia Feminina, from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, who spoke on behalf of the institutions at the ceremony in Jaú. “We are aware that a gesture of love promotes life, Life with a capital “L”, she said. Ana Martins Godoy Pimenta also participated in the ceremony in Jaú, representing the Comunidade Terapêutica Espaço Sobriedade e Paz, from  Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, and gave thanks for the donations in the name of the institutions.