People from 10 countries participated in a live chat to observe the sky

People from 10 countries participated in a live chat to observe the sky


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People participating in the PRÓ-VIDA Laboratory Department in ten countries of the Americas and Europe gathered online to observe the sky. The event took place on April 17 and had more than 300 connections. But people didn’t gather only to look at those beautiful celestial objects which delight and intrigue almost everybody. The meeting became an invitation to reflect and to share knowledge.

The sky was covered with clouds. So, the participants saw photographs, taken by the Astronomy Sector team, and talked about nebulae, star nurseries, galaxies, Mars and also about the largest and brightest globular cluster in the Milky Way, called Omega Centauri, with more than 10 million of stars. The group also talked about the history of Astronomy and the relation between mythology and some constellations.

The Astronomy team commented on the fact that each object shown tells different aspects of the Universe’s history. A photon, for example, coming from the Jewel Box Star Cluster, 6400 light years ago, still in pre-historic times, could have been seen by the participants on Saturday, if it hadn’t been cloudy. It would be like bringing to the visible, something that was invisible, they said.

Some of those events and phenomena were noted in the Astronomical Ephemeris, published on the PRÓ-VIDA website this April. The ephemeris is a monthly calendar made by the Astronomy Sector, which is one of the 12 sectors that are part of the PRÓ-VIDA Laboratory Department.

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