Astronomy Sector performs live streams with several countries

Astronomy Sector performs live streams with several countries


“Look to the zenith,” say astronomers, using an expression directing us to look to the highest point over our heads in the sky. The Astronomy sector has done this exercise with something new: live streams of celestial phenomena, enabling friends from the Laboratory Department in different parts of the world to experience this event together and share their knowledge on line. And the meeting becomes much more than “look to the zenith” and becomes a space for observation, meditation, and integration.

There have already been three live transmissions with 1600 connections – some of them with many families together on a single connection – in dozens of countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the USA. Last year they watched the passage of Comet Neowise in July; the solar eclipse on December 14; and the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn with such proximity that it hadn’t happened for 700 years and could also be observed in December, between the 16th and 21st.

Comet Neowise
Solar Eclipse
Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
Telescope used

Images captured by the Astronomy Sector

If in many different parts of the world the solar eclipse wasn’t total, in Argentina and Chile it was, and all could follow this event and send their comments. This is only one example of the exchanges that took place during the meetings, in an atmosphere of conversation between friends, as if in the living room. Different experiences of the same phenomenon. Different perspectives of the same sky. Aspects composed of scientific data, specialists and historians who were united by teamwork during a rich process of study and group work. The content was presented during the live streams and subjects discussed were pertinent to the phenomena in such a way as to search for a reason behind each of them.

By the way, observing the sky was always a way for humanity to search for the reason of life, its origins, its evolution, its laws, subjects that have fascinated and intrigued human beings since the beginning of their history. Maybe because the highest point that one can try to reach is there, the zenith, and that awakens in us a feeling, something that goes beyond cerebral logic and enables us to admire the greatness of the universe.

Astronomy is one of the 12 sectors that make up the PRÓ-VIDA Laboratory Department, responsible for developing studies, research and scientific experiments related to diverse themes, as well as field activities and lectures.

Astronomy is one of the 12 sectors that make up the PRÓ-VIDA Laboratory Department, responsible for developing studies, research and scientific experiments related to diverse themes, as well as field activities and lectures.

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