There will be a party

There will be a party


Guests are ready waiting for the arrival of the birthday person. While they wait, they talk about their mutual friend: his work, his family and his accomplishments.

For many, this birthday is a special moment not only for this birthday friend, but also for those who live with him. An opportunity to give gifts, congratulate and even to thank. In some cases, this task may not be simple. It seems that among the material options there is nothing that has any real significance. It is necessary to look beyond the material, beyond physical gifts.

A good way to pay homage to a special friend is by doing the work that he does. Those who are willing to put into practice the work towards a great objective, have the opportunity to experience moments that can seem magical.

Moments like this propagate with so many friends who believe and work for this. The opportunity exists and it is possible for all who have already felt the pleasure of participating. It is the good in action.

On June 11, 1940, Dr. Celso Charuri, conceiver and founder of PRÓ-VIDA, was born.
Learn more about his history.

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