The Great Year

The Great Year

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Cycles that denote time and are intrinsically connected to the motion of the stars, such as day and night, terrestrial years, seasons, result from the rotational and translational motion of the Earth around its axis and the Sun, and have been observed and recorded since the ancient past.

Reportedly, however, some ancient people observed an even greater cycle that characterized light and dark ages, which seem to be related to the rise and fall of entire civilizations. This cycle is known as the Great Year, or Sidereal Year.

The Sidereal Year occurs with the Sun’s motion in relation to the twelve zodiacal constellations and is completed in approximately 26,000 years. Each Age of the Sidereal Year is defined by the alignment of the Sun and the entire solar system with one of these constellations, lasting approximately 2,148 years.

This occurs due to the Precession of the Equinoxes, a movement given by the Earth’s oscillation around its axis, similar to a wobbling top, with its North pointed to an infinity of celestial bodies and stars, over a period that defines an Age, which ends with the solar system aligning itself again with another of the twelve constellations. This movement was observed by the Greeks over 2,000 years ago!

Heroes, gods, demigods, and envoys of the King Star – the Sun, with their myths, legends, rites and temples suggest that entire civilizations appeared and disappeared throughout the Zodiacal Ages.

Ancient Egyptian dynasties worshipped the Sacred Bull Apis and the Goddess Hathor, with the head of a cow, in the Age of Taurus. At the same time, from the Hindu cults comes the Sacred Cow.

When the planet underwent the influence of the constellation Aries, Egyptian temples were adorned with the ram figure. And Pisces was the symbol of the Age in which Christianity flourished.

It is said that the Atlanteans calculated the Ages differently. As the zodiacal constellations were not of the same size, they considered a different period for each Age. At present, we consider equal periods, the same 2,148 years in each constellation.

Everything is in motion and our solar system travels through constellations, receiving influence from countless celestial bodies, planets and stars. Perceptible influences in physical and gravitational fields. Others much more subtle and physically imperceptible, but psychically captured.

According to this complex system, Earth enters the Age of Aquarius and perhaps we are about to witness a cycle change – the arrival of a new era. In fact, how many changes have we seen in the last decades? In technological, scientific spheres, in man’s way of thinking, feeling and acting. Perhaps we are on the point of evolving towards a new humanity, maybe to a much better world.

After all, we are beings with infinite possibilities. Authors of our own history, holders of our own time and bearers of free will – with this we move the world; we dilate or shorten time. In cycles, eras, or simply in the time of the stars or of a planet, it doesn’t matter, life suggests constant evolution.

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