

Everything is changing.

We are in the midst of a transformation. A need emerges in the human consciousness to give space to the subtle world… So many manifestations out there!

Recent studies of cerebral regeneration, visible through functional magnetic resonance imaging, have shown that mental training promotes positive thinking.

Modern science begins to contemplate and acknowledge what, up until a few years ago, seemed like science fiction.

These views have had a ripple effect, even in education.

We are gradually witnessing the birth of new educational programs that support mental work in addition to the mnemonic exercises.

Some teachers express their desire to return to being educators that “educate”, from the Latin, “educere”, to bring out, to elevate, to stimulate growth through “the art of the maieutic”… the Socratic mode of inquiry, which aims to bring a person’s latent ideas into clear consciousness!

Thus, several schools in different countries around the world are beginning to offer children the opportunity to train the mind, to practice meditation and develop a subtle reasoning using the techniques of ancient philosophers. A need has now manifested that enables human beings to cultivate their inner world from a very early age. This is part of the transformation.

The focus given to this mental dimension is a phenomenon in progress.

Clearly not everyone is on the same page, but many are already vibrating according to the frequencies that exist in the Universe!

It’s a choice. A calling. A vocation.

Each objective in this calling, in this vocation, requires a commitment. A fine and laborious weave that allows the creation of a Great Work.

He who wants to travel on those frequencies knows it is necessary to prepare, to attune himself, and so explores the mental sphere. Realizing that the brain belongs to the physical body, while the Mind is elusive, he begins to train using the first to feed the other. He understands the potential of Being!

And it is with this intention in our hearts, that we, in PRÓ-VIDA, are assembling and nurturing the work of the mind.

A patient and constant training to attune our channels with the frequencies of the Harmony that moves everything. Manifesting the evolution that opens the doors to the psychic plane.

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