Life with us

Life with us


Live with unique experiences.

Live with the hope that there is a way out.

Live with noble principles, applying them every day.

Live with those who were, who are, and who will be.

Live with the task of maintaining the harmony of a group.

Live with the wisdom of teaching and learning at the same time.

Live with respect for each person and their individual manifestations.

Live with differences and feel that the point of union is the same.

Live with the pleasure of working for the good of a movement.

Live with the satisfaction of being able to start closing circles.

Live with the aim of composing from the virtue of each one.

Live with the possibility of being better every day.

Live with magical states filling the chest with joy.

Live with examples: giving and receiving.

Live with friends, polishing each other.

Live with a greater objective.

Live with good people.

Live with ourselves.

Live with us.


Be one, thanks to all.

Be all, thanks to each one.

Picture of Our Movement

Our Movement

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